Our homes should be considered long-term investments. After all, most people spend a decade or more just to pay back the mortgage on their homes, making it one of the most expensive purchases we’ll ever make in life. However, since we spend so much time paying it back, it makes sense to continue investing in…
Our Family
Do You Need Tailored Clothes?
Image There’s nothing better than trying on a dress and realizing that it fits perfectly. However sometimes when we come to shop in the high street this simply isn’t the case. The good thing is that we can control how our clothes fit us if we choose to have them tailored. Before you say it,…
A Hard Lesson: Guiding Our Children Through Their Early School Years
Pexels One of the biggest family problems that places stress and anxiety on the parent and child is one of those biggest transitions in both of your lives, the day that your child goes to school. Although you might have spent a lot of time doing what you can to nurture them, by reading…
Preventive Healthcare Tips for the Whole Family
The dreaded seasonal illnesses that always pop up during the winter-spring months can quickly put a pin in your family’s weekend plans. Dealing with symptoms of the cold and flu can wreak havoc on your household when you’d all rather be making homemade slime together (I’m kidding).
Diet and Lifestyle Hacks for 2018 and Beyond
Do you dream of making changes that will last you well into the next few years and beyond? Or perhaps you are guilty of following the latest lifestyle craze for a few months, and soon slip back into to your old ways? Maybe, you feel that you overthink things or find it all too easy…
Predicted 2018 Fashion Trends
You either follow fashion, or you don’t. The more you do, the more you’ll realize that the world of fashion is actually so varied and interesting. The trends are constantly changing, and they actually aren’t as crazy as you might think. For those who don’t follow fashion, some would instantly jump their minds to the…
Miami: Fun Things To See & Do
Miami is known for being a seaside location, but as any local will tell you, there’s a lot more to this famous destination than meets the eye. Lounging on the sand and splashing around in the sea are just two things out of hundreds that you can choose to do here. So if you’re planning…
What Science Says About Getting Your Kid To Sleep
Image source When you become a parent, your place on the priority list starts falling, and rightly so. You have a gorgeous responsibility to create the best life for your offspring, and a huge part of that is to do with their health. It is encouraging them to have healthy eating habits, to have great…
Top 6 Ways to Encourage Your Kid’s Healthy Eating Habits
Kids have a sensitive mind. Agree? They observe everything happening around and reflect some portions of those happenings into their behavior. So why not take advantage of this behavior and draw something positive out from it? As a parent, you can help your kids maintain a healthy lifestyle by teaching them healthy eating habits. These habits…
Best New Tech Features & Gadgets to Improve Life
“There’s an app for that” or “there’s a device that does that for you” are phrases that seem to be thrown around more regularly with the recent tech boom; they represent an aim for a less laborious and a more luxurious day-to-day lifestyle for humankind. When washing dishes by hand became too time consuming, humans…