Let’s be honest: everyone hates holiday shopping. We love the bit about gift-giving when they open up the present and when the look on their face says you knocked it out of the park. We even love the part where we know our gifts were way more on point than anyone else’s, even if we don’t admit that. But the shopping part? Ugh, no thank you. Malls are the worst. Parking is a nightmare, lines everywhere, and there are so many people that you begin to agree with Dwight from “The Office” when he called for a new plague.
Our Family
That one word describes everything I have been feeling lately. Completely and utterly overwhelmed. Readers, Brands, and Guest Post Senders take a few minutes to find out what is going on and what is happening in this overwhelming life of mine.
App and At Them: 4 Sites to Fastrack Your Life
Let’s face it; there is a ton of apps out there. While some are new and innovative, others are almost considered to be veterans on the market – and the amount creates an unimaginable jungle where good ideas mingle with the brilliant.
Luckily, some life-hack geeks have helped us navigate our way to the ones that will make your life so much better and more organized; it may seem far-fetched, but it truly isn’t.
Simple Ways to Keep Your House Tidy When You’ve Got Kids
Keeping your house clean with the children constantly running around may be quite a task. While you are trying to put everything in order, their mission is to inspect and sometimes even hide every amusing object. Kids are curious and naughty. They are not aware of the fact that you don’t find it nice to come home to a messy house. However, with patience and persistence, you can turn the situation around and even teach your kids that maintaining a tidy living space is a common responsibility. This has numerous benefits but there is nothing to equal the pleasant feeling of having a clean and organised home.
3 Chic Kitchen Designs Inspired By The World
The inspiration we get from traveling can truly define our homes. Not just in terms of style and design, although that’s what we will focus on in this article, but think about the knick-knacks you decorate your home with and the food other countries inspire you to cook - it wouldn’t have been a part of your home unless you traveled.
Desire Smart Products? Become A Smart Consumer
In the modern marketplace, there exist many means of separating you from your money. Before, feeling in a shopping mood might inspire you to head to the high street, slowly balancing and weighing up the products in front of you. Seeing the merchandise in the stores allows you to gradually check out the goods on offer, potentially test them or try them on.
How to Choose an Effective Lock for Your Front Door
The humble lock and key are your first line of defense against intruders; yet it’s remarkable how many people take the lock on their front door for granted. The simple truth is some locks are better at securing your home than others. With that said, here’s how to choose an effective lock for your front door.
Helping Your Kid Move During a School Year
Moving is always a tumultuous time — one that can have an especially negative impact on children and teenagers. Moving changes life routines that your kid has grown accustomed to, stripping their lives of the familiarity they need to feel stable and secure. Moving during the school year also interrupts scholastic progress and disrupts budding friendships, leading to a sense of alienation in both academic and social spheres.
Tuesday Sucked……Horribly So!
We all have bad days that are beyond our control. Tuesday was mine and it was so awful at moments.
5 Tips to Creating a Music Environment Around You
Our environment can heavily influence creativity and productivity in creating music. Sure, you can master a particular instrument through mindful and consistent practice, but having a great musical environment enhances your ability to play. In order to be successful in playing or creating music, you will need to have a great and supportive environment where you can freely express your creativity. Just like with music, an environment where you can be more creative and be more exposed to music is tremendously important.