Let’s be real, nobody wants their home to look cheap. Despite what many let on, impressing friends, family, and neighbors with a beautiful, welcoming home is important. While money isn’t everything, no one wants their mother to see their first apartment and hear her tell you that “It looks like a dump!” Most people would…
Our Family
The Face of Santa and Mrs. Claus
It’s that time of the year again! The stockings are hung by the chimney with care, or at least they are near it on one of those rack things because I couldn’t get the hooks to into the mantle without making a mess, the Christmas tree is decorated (and looking more like a three…
Everything You Need To Know Before Hiring An Exterminator
If you need to hire an exterminator, then there are a few things you need to know first. You’ll need to consider your problem and what you expect the exterminator to be able to do for you. There’s a lot you can learn from your exterminator too. For everything you need to know about hiring…
Never Thought About My Home’s “Walk Score”
Have you thought about the “walk” score of your home? I will admit that I haven’t really given it a single thought. To be honest I didn’t even know what a walk score was until I read an article about it. It is not what you think it could be I will tell you…
Keep Cozy (and Safe) in a Winter Wonderland
The holiday season is upon us. This brings us cheer and well-being, but unfortunately, sets us off our guard. It may sound morbid but it’s important to think about the potential dangers that may happen during this time of cheer. Accidents happen and malicious types are still out there. The holiday times may place you…
What To Buy In Bulk For The Holiday Season
https://www.pexels.com/photo/building-christmas-tree-indoors-mall-186613/ If you ask any adult or child what their favorite time of year will be, you can bet that the holiday season will come up a lot. We all love the festive season. Winter can be a tough time of year, with the cold and bad weather, but Christmas festivities can make it all…
The Busy Mom’s Alternative Guide To Television
Picture Credit A parent’s life can be a hard one. The kids always come first, and it’s easy to forget your priorities in the process. This is especially true when it comes to television. The kids rarely seem to realize that mom wants to watch her programs too. Keeping up with you favorite shows can…
Hello Black Friday!
Did I stay up all night to get an amazing deal at Best Buy? Oh wait that was yesterday since I could start online then and I needed to get the turkey going. Okay maybe I have been up for two days straight because this is the first year in a really long time that…
Happy Thanksgiving!
Have I told y’all how Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year? Well it is and the reason is because it is the one holiday that is pretty much all about the food. Don’t pretend like it isn’t! I wait all year for some turkey and pie! Only to have to wait all day…
Time for the Radiators!
I was talking with my cousin this morning and she said that they were now starting to use their radiators which for those of us in the south are heaters! I have never lived in a home that use a radiator for heating and I will be honest and tell you that I have always…