I don’t watch a lot of television but last night was the end of American Gothic on CBS and I have to say I am a little sad to see it go. If you are familiar it followed a wealthy Boston family and their ties to a serial killer. It was a summer show and…
Our Family
Life Happens: September Update
Each month this year I thought I would take a few minutes to catch you all up on the things that are currently going on in our lives whether it be personal or within my blogging life. Although there will be plenty of posts talking about all of that I just felt that this…
Pumpkin Spice Creamer: I Really Want to Try This!
I was surfing around Pinterest the other day and came across this amazing coffee creamer that I really want to try this fall. As you all know I don’t drink coffee very much any more and while I think I am all the better for it I still do have that one cup each week….
Stay Safe this Holiday!
This weekend is Labor Day weekend (just in case someone didn’t know) and it will be pretty busy out on the roads. I was reading an article earlier on holiday hazards (I know! I know! another one!) and read that while New Years and Thanksgiving Day are the most accident prone days Labor Day isn’t…
Medical Errors Just Waiting to Happen
My aunt is currently in the hospital and she is super stubborn. Which I guess when I get into my seventies I will be as well but she insists on going to this little small town hospital. If it was something minor like a broken bone or such I would say okay but she has…
Turning the Big 40!
Today I turn the big 40 and I would love to tell you that it was this Earth shattering event but sadly not even a blip on the seismograph happened so far. Which in most places could actually be a good thing. I also heard that once you reach the big ages it was downhill…
Let’s Talk Light Bladder Leakage
I don’t about you all but I suffer from LBL also known as Light Bladder Leakage. I would love to say this is something that has just started happening since I have gotten older. That sounds good right? WRONG! I have had it for a while and I’m talking to the point that my younger brother likes to make me laugh hard enough to…well tinkle a little because he finds it funny. Brothers, what can do? The good news is that I am not alone in my suffering. Well with LBL at least I may be alone in the sibling suffering area. In fact 1 in 3 women experience LBL and if you don’t already know it can be triggered by exercise, laughing, coughing and sneezing. It can also be experienced during and after pregnancy.
Family Problems – Why Let Them Affect Your Children?
Let’s give a pat on the back to all the parents out there. Whether you’re a single, cohabiting or foster parent and regardless of whether you’re young or old, parents do one hell of job. No family is ideal or perfect, however, and it’s inevitable that the majority of families will go through difficult stages….
Head Back to School with JCPenney
Well it’s that time of the year again. The time when parents everywhere are getting their kids ready to head back to school. Even though we homeschool I still try to be sure to get the kids new clothing this time of the year because they certainly need them. Kids grow so fast that they…
No Need to Worry, Lots of People Have Rosacea!
This is a partnered post with Galderma Laboratories, L.P. the makers of Mirvaso® (brimonidine) Topical Gel, 0.33%*. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I had acne growing up and have had it as an adult but it wasn’t until a couple of years ago that I discovered I had rosacea. I had heard of…