It is that time of the year again for the My Peak Challenge! If you followed me last year then you know that I was so proud of myself. This here Susan said we should do something different and we are certainly trying to. Before I get to what we will be doing this year…
Our Family
Everything You Need To Know About Eating Beef
There are lots of dishes I enjoy whipping up in my kitchen. And a fair few of them contain meat. Eating meat can sometimes be frowned upon. It’s thought to be harmful to our health and the environment by some groups. Of course, it all depends on where you source your meat from and how…
Some Things to Think about When Looking for a Heater for Your Sauna
There are quite a few things you need to consider when you are choosing the heater for your sauna, regardless of whether it is a business or domestic sauna. The four main considerations are: The stones The mount The steam generator The controls You must think about the size of your room when you think…
All You Need to Know about Disposable Cups Used by Restaurants
If you own a restaurant, or if you are thinking about opening a restaurant, you will be thinking about the various restaurant supplies you need. Of vital importance is that they are all of excellent quality, but that they are affordable at the same time. One of things you may need to stock up on…
Some of the Different Types of Elevators Around
When you think of an elevator, you will usually picture one simple thing: a device that takes you to the floor you want to get to. You will picture them in your office, a block of flats or the mall. All of these devices have one thing in common (several if you consider the fact…
Merry Christmas
It’s finally here!! It’s Christmas Day and if you are like me you more than likely had to get waaaay too early and deal with everything that Santa brought Of course for me this is after having gone to Midnight Mass which I am doubly tired, add into that I am not in my own bed and…
The Year the Turkey Hit the Ceiling
I told you earlier about mine and Charlie’s sad little Christmas the year our father was sick and dying. Now let me tell you about the first time he and I made a turkey. It too was for Christmas dinner and it was the second year after our father had passed away. The first year…
Christmas Eve
Well it is official!! Christmas is only 1 day away and I don’t know about all of you but we are ready. Well as ready as we can be. One of the big things for us today is Midnight Mass. Being Catholic means today will be full of naps and getting ready for the big…
It Must SUCK to Have a Birthday Close to Christmas
Today is my younger brother’s birthday and after all these years I have come to the conclusion that it must really suck to have a birthday today! I mean Christmas is almost here and everyone is busy buying gifts and celebrating that day. So much so that birthdays sometimes get overlooked. I remember growing up whenever his birthday came around he…
The Santa Sit Down
Thank GOD this is not the year we have to have to Santa sit down. I will never forget the year Charlie (my younger brother) found out and it was all my fault. That was the year that all those presents under the tree for me suddenly changed (I’m talking in like twenty minutes) and there was…