I’m talking about physical rehab and let me tell you that it is harder than ever before. Years ago I had physical therapy after my ankle was repaired and I was in a cast for three months. Then I had cardiac rehab two years ago. None of that is as difficult as stroke therapy is.
Our Family
Friday Cocktails – April 7, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! Easter is Sunday which means today is Good Friday. Today is actually a religious holiday for me and that means I am not online at all today. I take the day and the weekend for the holiday they are meant to be.
5 Things This Week – April 6, 2023
This is something new I thought I would do for a couple of different reasons. One it will help me keep you guys updated with my progress as I recover. It will also help me with my therapy and rehab. Every week I am trying to type these 5 things without using my dictation unless…
Friday Cocktails – March 31, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! It’s the last Friday of March! How many of you are ready for warmer weather to stick around? I will tell you I am! While I typically love the colder weather this year I am ready for it to be warmer.
Working is Not Easy Right Now
One of the best things about working from home is that no matter what happens or where I am I can keep working. I have been blessed over the years with being able to do what I love from anywhere in the world. I work with brands and people from all over the world as…
Month in Review – March 2023
Another month is coming to an end and spring has certainly sprung in some parts of the country. We have had a few days of really cold weather. Not that I have really gotten to experience much in the past month. I will certainly not say that this month has been easy for me but…
Friday Cocktails – March 24, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! It has been a long week let me tell you. I have been trying to work a little each day. It is not easy but I am getting some done little by little. I am feeling better since I am at home.
What Are Your Core Values?
Do you have your list of core values? I saw an article the other day and it had a list of core values which got me thinking. Do I know what mine are? They change over the years don’t they? First, here is the list of values I saw:
Friday Cocktails – March 17, 2023
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! I am getting to go home today which I am so thankful for. There is still a lot of work until I am close to being better but I will get to sleep in my own bed tonight.
Create Your Own Joy
One thing I have been thinking about lately is how little joy I have at the moment. Let’s face it there is nothing joyful about being sick and in the hospital. I have been thinking about all the things I want to do again but may not be able to. Something as simple as being…