Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written in partnership with Brain Chase and The Motherhood.You all may remember that I have been telling you about Brain Chase! To refresh your memory and for those who are new, Brain Chase is a 5-week online summer learning challenge (that starts on June 22, 2015) for kids in…
Our Family
5 Risks for Driving Under the Influence
I realize that this is topic that should be obvious. After all the risks of driving under the influence go well beyond five and they all should be easy to name. The truth is though is that you would be surprised at how many people actually don’t think a thing about those risks. Even some…
Mi Familia Keeps Me Going
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with DiMe Media and Buena Vista Home Entertainment. However, all opinions expressed are my own. With the way things have been lately if it wasn’t for mi familia I would be mucho mas loca than I already am! It’s the truth and I’m not ashamed ot admit…
Travel Destinations When the Dollar is Strong
Traveling can be so much fun regardless of where or when you go but where do you travel when the US dollar is strong? You would be surprised at the number of affordable destinations there is for you to choose from. I know that I was and there are actually a few of them on…
The Long Winding Road
Life is full of curves and lately it seems that mine has been nothing but curves. I have been despondent at best most days. I really haven’t had the drive to do much of anything and have thought that simply shutting everything down was for the best. I worked hard to build things up but have…
After a Car Accident
Have you been in a car accident? I bet that the number of you that say yes you have is greater than the number of you that say no. Even if it was just a fender bender it can be scary. I can remember my first accident and I tell you that there is simply…
What Mom Really Wants For Mother’s Day Infographic from Ebates
A big.huge thanks to the wonderful people at Ebates for sharing this infographic about what mothers really want for Mother’s Day! Check it out and tell me what you think about it!
How Can a Martial Art Improve the Health of Women?
If you are looking for an excellent workout that can teach you how to protect yourself and to improve your self-confidence then you cannot go wrong if you start practicing some martial art. However, many women have problems starting with this type of activity because they find these sports intimidating. This is a perception that…
Readjusting the Lens
Life has a way of showing what is important. Regardless of whether or not we think something is. I worked hard for several years to build up Rita Reviews into something I could be proud of. I am thrilled to say that I am proud of what I have created but I have been a…
Tips for Creating Organization and Functionality in the Home
Being overrun by piles of clutter is perhaps the most physically and emotionally draining thing that can happen to a household. Too much stuff can ruin the functionality and the aesthetic appeal of the home while also creating tension and stress between family members. Clutter usually sneaks in gradually and feeds off of busy schedules,…