We hear so much these days about global warming and air quality that we tend to forget we have just as many environmental issues indoors. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency ranks indoor air pollution in the top five environmental problems we face. Of course, we know that mold and mildew are our toughest enemies…
Our Family
The Dangers of Sex Addiction, and How to Get Help
When we think of addiction, we tend to think of substances like drugs and alcohol. And while many people are affected by substance abuse, addiction can also involve compulsive behaviors like risky sex, gambling and other harmful habits. In fact, sex addiction is an issue that plagues countless people, and is associated with life-threatening complications…
Poolside Picks for Patio Furniture By Kerrie Kelly, ASID
Just like the holidays seem to come about 10 minutes after we put away the Halloween costumes, summer will be here before we can pack away our winter coats. Now is the perfect time to get the swimming pool up and running and to outfit your outdoor space with the perfect poolside furniture and accessories…
How to Love Your Most Unlovable Self
It is so easy to talk about love in the abstract. We do it all the time. We say that god so loved the world. But we are capable of regarding so much of the world with such disdain. We say that we love everybody. But what does that even mean? We do not morn…
Playing Bingo
Yep you read that title right! We love to play Bingo here at my house and I am pretty sure the reason behind that enjoyment stems from my childhood. There was simply nothing better than being able to shout BINGO! Did you ever play when you were growing up? I remember playing it at church…
Fitness Influence
Have you ever thought about those who influence your fitness? I am honest enough to say that I really don’t influence any of my friends to be fit, at least I don’t think that I do. I hope that I give the enough inspiration but that is really all I can do. I am working…
Benefits of Music Education for Children
Did you know that children who are encouraged to learn a musical skill grow up to be superheroes? Well, no not really, but musical children do have a higher chance of growing up to be more confident, happier and more attentive. And, as parents and caregivers, that is all we really want for our kids.
My Peak Challenge Weekend
As you all know last weekend was the My Peak Challenge Weekend and I had the best time ever! There just aren’t words to explain the amount of fun or beauty that the weekend held. This entire trip has been a bit overwhelming for me and has shown me a side of myself that I…
Thanks and Prayers for 3/8/15
Well we are here! This week so far has been great!! I spent some time doing pretty much nothing and have enjoyed every single second of it! I hope you have all be following me on social media as I share what is going on with you all.
Thanks and Prayers for 3/1/15
We are heading out tomorrow which I am really excited about. It is just going to me, Ma, and the kids (my uncle is staying here) and I can’t wait to have a little fun. I am meeting up with some old friends, hanging out with my sister in-law, and planning on completing the My…