This is one of the movies that I am really looking forward to this year. I think is a movie that is really going to tug at my heartstrings! BLACK OR WHITE is the story of a grandfather (Academy Award® winner Kevin Costner) who is suddenly left to care for his beloved granddaughter. When the little…
Our Family
Saints for the Month of January
I use to share just one saint for each month. It was just small way of sharing my faith. However I know there are plenty of saints for each month so I thought this year I would share more than one and you can always choose which one is appropriate for you. Before we begin…
Thanks and Prayer for 1/4/15
Wow! It is hard to believe that this is 2015 but it and I am super excited! A new year brings with it new possibilities and a breath of change. I have big plans for 2015 and am trusting in God to help me see those plans through. If you are new here every Sunday…
2015 Goals
It’s time for those New Year’s Resolutions Goals! I am not calling them resolutions this year because lets face it when we call them that they never seem to work out as well. So it is time for some goals, both personally and professionally! I really tried to make these goals something I could reach…
I’m Ready for the #DayofPositivity! On 1/5/15 #Inspiration #Atlanta
You read that right I’m ready for the Day of Positivity! Actually I am more than ready and I’m thrilled that this particular day is happening on Monday. The idea behind this day is not to dread the Monday after the holidays in honor of the most positive fellow around, Spongebob Squarepants! I remember when I…
Happy New Year
I’m Taking Part in the #MyPeakChallenge
I told you I would have more information about this for you all. If you follow me on Twitter chances are you have already seen the tweets. My Peak Challenge is a collaborative effort between Bear Strength, Fight Camp Glasgow’s John Valbonesi, and Outlander star Sam Heughan all for a great cause, Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research!
Ready for the New Year
I am so ready for the new year! This year has been one that I would gladly pretend didn’t happen at all. I have big plans both professionally and personally for next year and while I will share them all with you later I am excited about them. It’s funny how everyone I talk to…
Recovering from the Holidays
The holidays have been not only busy but a bit rough for me this year. I don’t know why but I am going to be honest and say I may need a month to recover from them. No really, I’m not kidding!! The kids are all running around playing with their Christmas toys as we…
Thanks and Prayers {12/28/14}
This will be the last thanks and prayers of 2014! It is so hard to believe that but there it is. This year has been a mixed bag of heartache and blessing around here. I am sure that it has been for all of you as well. So I will actually keep this very short…