Okay to say that I love Outlander is a bit of an understatement! It is the one show that I watch every week and was surprised that I enjoy as much as I do. I started watching it for work of course, writing a review of the first two episodes. It actually only took one…
Our Family
My Favorite Mark Twain Quote
I like a lot of different quotes but there is one Mark Twain quote that really enjoy more than all of the others. Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well. Now I know that we should do whatever it is today and get it done. I mean…
Join the #MySleepingBeautySweeps Fun!
Disclosure: This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Disney. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. Watching your children sleep is one of the greatest joys a parent can have! You have such high hopes for them and you want all of their dreams to come true. That is why I…
Fantasy Friday: The Petrified Forest
Every Friday at Crossroads Media Hub we share with you a place we would like to visit. Our bloggers share a place on their blogs and we all link up to Fantasy Friday! You can check out all of the bloggers there. Every week we all journey somewhere else and maybe just to escape for…
A Must Have: My Military & Money App
Disclosure: This post about The My Military & Money App is made possible as part of a sponsored conversation from the Motherhood. However all opinions are 100% mine. You all know I grew up in a military family and in during so there are things that I have learned to do over the years that is…
Wordless Wednesday 10/1/14
God is Calling
Ever feel that way? Like God is calling you for something and you just don’t know what. There is some nagging voice or feeling in the back of your mind that you can’t shake off but you aren’t sure what it is the voice wants. I have had that feeling for a while and I…
It’s National Coffee Day!
Disclosure:I have partnered with Mom It Forward and Eight O’Clock Coffee. I have been compensated for my time commitment however, my opinions are entirely my own and I have not been paid to publish positive comments. That’s right today is National Coffee Day and I am celebrating with Eight O’Clock Coffee who is helping us…
Weekly Thanks and Prayer Requests 9/28/14
September is almost over and we heading into holiday season. Lets face it once October get here we have Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Christmas right in a row practically. Usually I am stressing out like you would not believe but this year I am ready for it. I still have some planning to do…
Growing Up Military
I was raised in a military family and when I say military I mean that just about every single member of my family(on my father’s side) either is currently or has been in one branch or another of the military. We have had it all including an astronaut. When you grow up that way, with…