When was the last time you received a handwritten thank you note? Chances are it was the last time you gave someone a wedding gift. That is when most people write them nowadays. The real question is how did you feel when you received it? I bet you were overjoyed that they took the time…
4 Advantages of Always Using the Back of Your Booster Seat
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, most children won’t be ready to use the car’s seat belt independently until they are around 11 years old. It is true regardless of how often the child asks about it. Booster car seats are the answer for children after they have outgrown their forward-facing strapped seat before…
Friday Cocktails – August 12, 2022
Friday has rolled around again, which means it is time for Friday Cocktails! This week has flown by and I spent it going through old pictures with the kids. I have been meaning to scan them into the computer so I could preserve them.
Here’s a Comprehensive Guide on Improving Your Business Branding
When it comes to business, branding is everything. It can make or break a company. If you want your business to succeed, you must focus on creating a strong brand identity. This comprehensive guide will discuss the importance of branding and how you can improve your business’s branding strategy. We will cover logo design, marketing,…
How to Plan The Most Amazing Wedding In 2023
A large percentage of the population will eventually get married, and it is my opinion that most people can benefit from a little help planning their wedding. Wedding planning is one of those things that you should do early on and get solidified before you start paying for things.
5 Improvement That Can Make Your Home More Comfortable
If you have ever treated yourself to a stay in a beautiful hotel, you probably already have some idea of how pleasurable being in such an atmosphere can be. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could get the same feeling when you were at home? You might not be able to make your home appear…
Focus On Your Strengths To Manage A Successful Business
Focus on your strengths to manage a successful business. Focus on your talents and outsource your inadequacies to attain success. Whilst we will be focusing on marketing today, it is important to take a look at a variety of areas where you can outsource your business needs, whether you need to outsource revenue cycle management or outsource…
Important Steps That Will Help You Look After Your Family
Looking after your family and taking the right steps to do what is best for them is so important. And there are a number of considerations that you need to make when trying to make the most of this. It is important to consider some of the key stages of family life, as well as…
Rafflecopter Issues
I just wanted to take a moment and let those of you who haven’t reached out that I am aware of the Rafflecopter issues. I know many of you are getting frozen forms. I reached out to Rafflecopter but they gave me the generic response. I know Heather has been trying so hard to enter…
4 Ways to Improve Your Small Business
If you’re like most small business owners, you’re always looking for ways to improve your business. But where do you start? There are many different areas of your business that you can focus on, but it’s narrowed down to four of the most important ones. This blog post will be discussed, and tips will be…