If you suffer from a lack of confidence behind the wheel, driving on the road can make you feel nervous and scared. You may be constantly worrying that you’re going to run a red light or have a nasty accident. It’s perfectly rational to be concerned about your safety while driving. There are more than…
5 Common Types Of San Diego Personal Injury Accidents In 2022
Personal injury is a broad field of law that consists of many types of injuries caused by a number of reasons. However, these are the common types of San Diego personal injury accidents you may be able to successfully file a claim for and pursue in court for a hefty settlement with the help of…
4 Ways to Make Your Partner Feel Appreciated
Your spouse likely performs many acts to help and support you each day, from making you a hot cup of coffee each morning to encouraging you to reach your goals. Don’t allow their thoughtful acts to go unnoticed. Find ways to express your gratitude for their love and assistance. It will make them feel special…
Why Every Family Home Should Have A Music Room
Music has been an important part of life for thousands of years. Ever since human beings emerged from the stone age, they’ve been building and playing musical instruments. Music is critical, particularly for children. Learning to play an instrument can help them develop important cognitive skills. It also sets them up for possible music careers…
A Healthy Feeding Habit; A Precursor to a Healthy Smile
Having a beautiful and healthy smile is beyond only regular brushing and flossing. Our diet plays a key role in maintaining general health and well-being. But many people tend to ignore the importance of a proper diet in dental care.
Smart Life Choices Anyone Can Make Today
Going through life, many people wind up making mistakes. And, unfortunately, they end up being costly. People can lose a decade or more, just because of a poor decision they made early on. The trick here is to make smarter life choices. It’s all about getting the big things right. Once you sort that out,…
March Newsletter Update
I wanted to let y’all know that due to health issues the newsletter will be late coming out. This is something that I shared on Facebook over the weekend. You can find all of the information about the late newsletter in this Facebook post.
Month in Review: February 2022
February was a super busy month. Not as busy as March is going to be, but still pretty busy. We made three trips to the emergency room this month, and to be honest, I don’t want to see the inside of a hospital again. However, I will be there for several ties this week. Isn’t…
Which Dresses Look Best on a Straight Figure?
It’s hard to keep up with the latest fashion trends, and it’s much more difficult to figure out how to incorporate them into your own distinct body type. Fashion is all about looking well and feeling good about oneself while doing so. In other words, you should follow suggestions rather than rules. The suggestions largely…
Keeping Your Home Cool In Summer: What Can You Do?
While we all love the warmer summer months – think: family beach days, strolls in the park and cookouts in the garden – there’s nothing worse than having to live in a house that just doesn’t seem to cool down. It’s hard enough as an adult being in a house that’s overly hot throughout the…