I am officially off now until after Christmas! I plan on very casually scanning emails but not a single one will be answered (unless super important) until December 30, 2019 when I am back here at Rita Reviews in full force.
Those Darn Newsletter Codes
If you subscribe to my newsletter either here or at Wickedly Romance then you will have seen a code. Those codes are used to get extra entries in various giveaways. This morning when I checked my email I had no less than two hundred emails asking me for extra codes.
Say Hello to Wickedly Romance
I told newsletter subscribers on Saturday about a big announcement concerning A Lucky Grace. Well, now I can let all of you know that it now Wickedly Romance! Why you might ask? Mostly because books were really taking over and I thought it was time they had their own space.
Rebranding Issues + Huge Giveaway
That is what you could call my rebranding efforts lately. I’ve been all over the place and no way have I created a brand that works well together. While on vacation I began a journey that I hadn’t planned on taking. A journey that also led me down a rebranding path I didn’t know I…
Color Issues and Newsletter Problems
If you follow me both here and at A Lucky Grace then I am certain you have noticed that there are all sorts of weird color combinations. I am in the middle of doing some maintenance and changing a few things which has left things looking odd.
Back to Work
Today I’m heading back home and will be back to work on Monday. Why Monday you ask? The truth is because I had planned to ease back into it. After being gone three weeks I have plenty to catch up on.
Interview with Personal Finance Expert, Pamela Yellen
I posted this interview I did with Pamela Yellen back on May 31, 2011. It is an interview that I feel is just as important today as it was then. That is why I am re-sharing it with. There may some information or tips in it that you didn’t know about. I hope that you…
August 2019 Outlook + Camera Giveaway
It’s the beginning of the month as well as the start of the last month of summer. Isn’t that crazy? Just think about it, stores will start putting out their holiday decorations this month. You know they will cause I have seen them in stores about the middle of August most months. For me I…
10 Ways To Plan The Perfect Retirement Party
When someone in your work-place decides to retire after dedicating years of their lives to the business, it is only fitting that the person is celebrated for all they did to help the company grow and for the impact they had on people in the workplace on a personal level. Before you let the retiree…
The Email Pile
As a blogger I get a lot of emails. I also work as an assistant so there is almost always a huge pile of emails. Add in the things I sign up for, book release announcement, groups I am a part of and well you can imagine. There are some times that I have more…