The year is slowly passing us by and we are starting a fresh month. April was very difficult for me both personally and professionally. I had hoped to refocus my attention. While that did happen I also ran into so many issues. Issues that have now be worked out. There are some days that I…
Blog Love + Giveaway
What do you think of the new look? I went from hating my blog to loving it! There are so many things I love now compared to before. I will keep this post fairly short as it will be a giveaway too. In fact, the giveaway is big.
When You Hate Your Blog
You read that title correctly. It got to where I hated my blog for so many reasons. The first was I had found a theme I thought was perfect only to discover after purchasing it would not work for me. It wouldn’t show things all nice and pretty the way the demo did. I could…
March 2019 Outlook + Camera Giveaway
It’s the beginning of the month and time again for another outlook post. These posts let you know what is coming, allow you to check out some recent posts, and truthfully just to connect with one another. I am also use some of them as my camera giveaway posts for this year. I hope that…
Do Affiliate Programs Work?
I get asked that question a lot. So many new bloggers want to earn money and affiliate programs may be the way to do that. I belong to several different programs. Have I made money from them? Yes and no. Honestly, it depends on the program and what they are offering. I have taken dozens…
$200 Walmart GC Giveaway #LeapingLeprechauns
How excited are you guys for March to finally be here? I could not be happier and to make things even better I am taking part in a new hop! It is the Leaping Leprechauns Giveaway Hop and I need to thank Review Wire Media & Chatty Patty’s Place for putting together this giveaway.
Newsletter vs Rss Feed
I thought I would update this post for 2019 and make sure it had all the current information inside for you. This post is a great way to understand the difference between the newsletter and my rss feed.
February 2019 Outlook
I use to do these sort of posts every month and then got away from them. I decided that I would bring them back a little bit. It’s a fun way for y’all to get a little look into what I have planned for the blog (and my life) during the upcoming month. I share…
NEW Newsletter Day!
You read that correctly. I wanted to touch base with all of you and let you know that will be sending the newsletters on a new day. Why am I changing the day, you ask? It is pretty simple. It works out better for me and my schedule if I change the day.
My 2019 Business Goals
I told myself there was no way I was going to make any sort of resolutions that I would end up not following through on. Then, I did write a few things down. In fact, on both blogs I shared a few of those with you. I am so ANTI resolutions that you would not…