Okay, not really! My sister in-law told me recently that she was starting her own business. Nothing big and fancy but something small. Then she went on to tell me all about the products she was going to sell. I wanted to laugh and yell at the same time. I had been thinking about the…
Tools for Every Job
“There is a tool for every job out there.” My father once told me that. At the time I thought he had flipped his lid. I didn’t care about tools or jobs. I was too young to care about all of those things. Yet, now as an adult I remember those wise words as well…
Best Ways To Update Blog Security
If you run a blog in this modern age then security is very important. There are a few different ways you can update your blog to increase your security. It’s essential that you take security seriously, otherwise you could end up in a bad situation in terms of your blog’s security. Not sure if your…
Plan B: Don’t Let Business Disasters Ruin Your Day
Everybody from business moguls to small company owners will tell you that when a disaster hits your enterprise, it can cause chaos, both practically and financially. That is why it is so crucial to have a plan for what to do when this does happen, a plan B if you will. Happily, you can find…
All Over the Place
I have felt like I have been all over the place the last week or so. I am sure that y’all have been thinking the same thing. The holidays are just so busy around here. You add in all of the year-end stuff and it can be a mad house sometimes. Not to mention the…
Finding Blogging Topics
As a blogger this is something I struggle with more than you can possible know. Finding topics to write about is not always easy. I sometimes make a list for the next month and then change it a dozen times before I make a final decision. So just how to do I go about finding…
Year-End Business Mode
It is getting close to the end of the end and I am in full on year-end business mode. Everything for the year has to be closed out and I am left going through what worked, what didn’t and where all of the things I did over the year left me business wise. Outstanding bills…
Thanksgiving Vacation
Thanksgiving is this Thursday and I don’t know about y’all but this gal is ready for it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year and actually the one that I am the most busy on. Why, you ask? Because it is the one that I don’t do a lot of prep for. With Christmas…
Do We Need An Office Building?
That is a question that I have been asking myself for a while. Why you might ask? Mostly because my work life has begun to take over the house in a way that is a little crazy. I don’t mean an office for the blogging that I do. I can do that from anywhere and…
How to Market Your Start-Up Business
Startups have it hard. Not only do you need to compete against larger companies for their customers, you also have to find a way to survive financially past the first year. You need to do everything right in order to succeed. Globalization and the internet have been both a boon and a source of failure…