When you are starting your business, whether in Hackensack, New Jersey or anywhere else, you typically sit down and think of all of the things that you need. Sometimes you add in the things that you want. I know that is something that I did. I made a list of what I needed and a…
Business Mishaps
As most of you know I also work for my brother in his business. I am lucky in that I am able to work from home 98% of the time. I handle most of the office stuff as well as the technical computer stuff. Okay, I also have to tell them all how to get…
10 Ways To Fund A Vacation When You Seriously Need a Break
Life can get you down and out sometimes, that’s for sure. Sometimes you really get to that point where the only thing that will help is a vacation. And if you can’t afford one, then you’ve come to the right place.
What is Customer Success?
Have you ever heard that term before? I hadn’t and when I did I thought customer service and customer success were one and the same. Turns out I was wrong. So just what is customer success and why would my business need it?
Never Give Up
How many times as a child have you heard those three words? they are words that we seem to forget when we become adults. Especially when we are adults working on making our business everything that we want it to be. there have been so many moments in the last few years that I have…
HUGE Giveaway At A Lucky Grace
If you didn’t already know (because you’re new here) I also write over at A Lucky Grace. I did some re-branding over there as well and now have a really huge giveaway that I want to share with you all.
A Full Scale Rebrand + Giveaway
I’ve never done a full scale rebrand before. I have gone through and changed things up here and there but never {almost} every little thing. That is just what I did when I set out on this new project. I sat down and went through everything I have done since the first day I started…
October 2018 Forecast
It has been a few months since I did any sort of forecast or monthly review. I have been busy and to be honest I wasn’t sure if these were things that I wanted to do anymore. However as I sit here trying to get all of work for the day done (and being a…
Stop Comment Follows
A few times I have had a reader email me or leave a comment saying they accidentally subscribed to comments. That means every single time someone leaves a comment they get a notification. So I wanted to let y’all know how to unsubscribe to those quickly.
Earning An Online Income
When I first began working from home I never dreamed I would be able to support my family on it. I thought I would make a little extra money and that was all. I did it mostly to give myself something to do. Once I began to make a little money I started searching for…