Image It seems that everyone we know now is a struggling blogger or entrepreneur in one way or another. We all would like a slice of that pie, but because the world of the young entrepreneur is oversaturated, it can be thoroughly intimidating for anybody to try and break into that sort of industry,…
How to Improve any Major Investment
As life goes on, you look to invest your good fortune for your future and for your children’s future. Investing in real estate and in companies can help expand your reach and your reputation tenfold, but you need to invest smartly. You don’t want to take a crumbling manor home and make it into a…
Caring Careers: Job Roles to Suit Empathetic Individuals
Picture Credit There are various different factors that influence our career decisions. Everyone is motivated by something different, and this will largely determine the field that they end up working in. Some are driven by money and “success”: they are likely to end up starting their own businesses and capitalising on the consumer market. Some…
The Right App
For those of you who don’t know I have multiple jobs. Since I work from home I am able to do a couple of things. My job with my brother I sort of got roped into. Meaning he said “Here so this work” and I said “Okay.” I is a lot of fun truthfully but I would never tell him that. The one thing we seem to have issues with was inventory control. Well that and communications. We needed an app that would allow everyone in the company to use it plus be multi-functional.
Overcoming Pitfalls as a Blogger
I have talked about various business aspects on the blog in the past including, blogging as a business. Today I want to talk with you about overcoming pitfalls as a blogger. Things are both similar and different for a blogger than a regular entrepreneur. They are similar in the respect that both are running a business and make no mistake about it blogging is a business.
Picmonkey Free Alternative – Fotor
How many of you enjoy editing your photos or making collages and such? I bet many of you have used or at least heard of PicMonkey. I have used them for a while off and on. However I recently discovered that they are no longer free. Wait, what? That’s right they are not free. But they have a free user account. They do and you can use the tools but don’t try to save, export, or share your work. Well that just blows completely doesn’t it? IT does if you are like me and actually didn’t know this until you tried to use it. I tend to stick with my same editing tools but occasionally I like to use a different. Typically because it has a feature that I want for a particular shot. I learned my lesson though. I use Fotor any time I want to use a free program that allows me to do the basics.
FINALLY!! We have power restored as well as our internet. It has been one of the longest weeks ever it seems. We are still a bit in the middle of cleanup but having everything back is awesome. I love grilling food but there is only so many grilled eggs a girl can take.
Irma Watch
Please be aware that we are one of the counties in GA that are listed in the State of Emergency and in Irma’s path. While we hope to have minimum impact there is a chance that we will have power and/or internet outages.
5 Tips to Finding Teaching Jobs in Birmingham, UK
If you are interested in obtaining a teaching position in a great city that is active but does not have as much hustle and bustle as London, Birmingham is a great option. Birmingham offers living at a cheaper price while still offering many of the same perks that London can provide. If the idea of…
Hate or Love Or…….
Alright you all know that I am fine tuning things around here. Today I have a conference about the theme I will be purchasing and using next month. I want to be sure that I understand everything there is to understand before I spend a single dime. I have also been playing around with…