I know that you may not know it but I have been working on adjusting some things behind the scenes like the categories and tags. While I know those aren’t overly important to most of you it is something I haven’t gone through in a while. I read an article saying that I would…
You Have Got To Be Kidding!
If you have been following for a while then you know I just changed things…again!! I swear to you there actually was a very good reason for this. I liked the way things look before however I have spent the past two months working from my laptop and everything looked fine. After I got home…
Top Misconceptions About Penny Stock Trading
There are easily more myths and misconceptions concerning penny stocks than virtually any other kind of stock or investment out there. Penny stocks have become more well known to the average American largely because of Timothy Sykes, who famously…
What Takes a Review So Long
One popular question I get is why in the world does it take me so long to get a review done. I would love to be able to tell you all that I can get it done in a day or so. I can when I rush and move things around. However having a product…
3 Things I Learned About Myself Through Blogging
I have been blogging since 2009 and I will tell you I have learned a lot about myself in all those years. A lot of what I have learned has come through the blogging that I do and the people who I connect with thanks to the amazing job that I have. I have been so blessed to have…
Strong Usernames and Passwords
As a blogger I have a plugin (super helpful useful things to make stuff run better) installed to help protect me against hacking and unauthorized logins. If you attempt to log into my blog three times using the wrong combination you will be locked out. I then receive an email and a couple of things happen….
Oh the Bugs!
One of things that summer always brings is bugs! Have I told you all how much I hate bugs! There are so many different types of bugs that are out in the south that I couldn’t name them all if I wanted to. I recently discovered that the bugs in Boston are super serious. At…
3 Ways to Get More Instagram Followers
From a simple photo-sharing app, Instagram has evolved into an incredible social media powerhouse and has become an essential must-have for any smartphone. Today, millions of users post a variety of photos in overwhelming quantity and it is sometimes challenging to keep up. While the huge number of Instagram active users is a great opportunity…
Vacation Mode #TravelRR2017
Okay since we are heading out on vacation what does that mean for the blog? After all I still have to work but how will I manage all of that? Well it means a couple of things for the blog. Sunday Review posts will still happen. Monday-Friday daily posts will be on hold for…
Why Giving Away Freebies Can Help Your Business
While it may seem counter-intuitive at first, giving away freebies is a great and easy way to increase business. From samples to full products, anything you can offer to people for free will make a lasting impression and cement your company’s name and image in customers’ minds. Remember; consumers love freebies. Here are some of…