When it comes to finances, the earlier you start, the better. Unfortunately, nobody teaches you that in school and most people wind up in a panic aged forty, wondering why they still don’t have anything. However, if you’re still young, that doesn’t need to be you. Saving just a little bit of money today can…
6 Signs Your Family Home is No Longer Large Enough
Countless parents before you have been there – the once-perfect family home that was cozy and just the right size suddenly starts feeling cramped and chaotic. As our families grow and change, so do our living spaces, and sometimes it’s hard to tell when it’s time to upsize. That’s why I’ve put together a list…
No-Stress Hosting: 5 Tips for Fun and Easy Entertaining
Whether a formal dinner party or a casual gathering, hosting a gathering can be a source of joy and excitement. However, it can also be daunting, especially when it comes to the preparation and execution of the event. But don’t worry, as with the right mindset and a few helpful tips, hosting can be a…
Month in Review – April 2023
I started a new series this month and then didn’t do any more posts or even the Friday Cocktails. This month was challenging I will admit and at one point I had to say enough was enough. I had to take a step back and ask myself if I was trying to do too much…
Ways To Make Your Kitchen Functional And Stylish
If your home is like most people’s, your kitchen is the hub. It is where both things and people come together at all hours of the day. You do not want it to look and feel like a museum where you cannot be comfortable. Instead, you should style your space to be appealing and usable…
5 Things to Do When Visiting Gibraltar
Gibraltar, which is a British overseas territory, is situated at the tip of Spain and is arguably one of the most beautiful and unique places to pay a visit. There’s no getting around how small Gibraltar is, but that doesn’t stop it from packing in plenty of things to see and do, whether it’s getting…
How To Share Parental Time After Separation
Separating with a partner when you have kids together means having to share parental time. Just how should you agree to separate this time? This guide offers a few tips to create a fair system for both you, your ex partner and the kids.
5 Things To Check When Looking To Buy An Old House
Buying an old house can be a great investment and a fulfilling experience. Old homes have character and charm that new homes simply cannot replicate. However, when looking to purchase an old house, there are a few things you should check to ensure that you are making a wise investment.
Jump Start Their Educational Success: Start Investing in Your Child Now
Parents today are eager to provide their children with an educational edge in the competitive world, but just how can they do that? Investing in your child’s future is essential for giving them a chance at success – and it doesn’t have to involve money. This blog post gives you insight into providing dedication, commitment,…
8 Maintenance Tasks Every Homeowner Should Know About
As a homeowner, it’s important to stay on top of maintenance tasks to keep your home running smoothly and prevent costly repairs down the road. From simple tasks like changing air filters to more complex tasks like cleaning gutters, there are a few key maintenance tasks that every homeowner should know how to do. Here…