My skin is more than just a little dry is some areas. Others are less than perfect as well with patches that don’t really match the rest. So what is a girl to do? Luckily she was introduced to Aveeno Active Naturals. It is so funny sometimes reviews and campaigns just come along when you…
It’s Raining Money Event {$1000 #giveaway}
Welcome to the It’s Raining Money Giveaway! Sponsored by Who would not love some money? I know that we all would! Since 2001, has been helping consumers save money with coupon codes to over 900 retailers. They also have a brand new free iPhone app that allows users to save with mobile in-store…
Learning Spanish with BookLingual {#giveaway}
Teaching Spanish to the kids is not an easy task for someone who doesn’t speak the language as well as others. Typically that subject is taught my hubby because he is a native speaker. I speak more of a Southern Spanlish which really isn’t a language at all. That is why I love love finding…
TANDA Beauty is Easy!
I have acne and have for as long as I can remember. I have tried just about every product under the sun and while most will work for a while the acne always seem to come back. Not to mention traveling with all those creams, lotions, and toners can be a bit of a hassle….
Make Your Photos Stand Out with Snaps! {@SnapsApp, #SnapsApp}
I was so thrilled to be able to review Snaps! The reason is that it is the first photo app for my phone that I have truly enjoyed. We played around with it during Easter and I wanted to get this written that day but we got busy. This is an app that I will…
Have It Your Way Giveaway
You’re going to love The Have It Your Way Giveaway Frenzy! Hosted by, Jenn’s Blah Blah Blog, Freebies Frenzy, Pink Ninja Blogger and Pink Ninja Media Moms Vacation Spots, Simply Shawn N Jenn, One Proud Mamma, and Adventures of a Military Family of 8! Huge thank you to all the amazing bloggers that have come…
One Stop Shopping @Sears {# ad #MoreatSears}
Are you a one stop shopper? I wish I could say that I am but there are times when I need things that one particular store doesn’t carry. So I end up having to go to another one and then another. I live way out in the middle of nowhere so when I go shopping…
Issues With Giveaways
The new email and everything is finally up and working. The Giveaway Issue Form will no longer be available. Anyone who has not received their giveaway prize as of yet (unless you won in the last couple of weeks) please email giveaways (at) ritareviews (dot) net. Please include the following information: Giveaway You Won Your… Spring Sale
Do you have a child interested in taking music lesson or like us are you currently looking for a new teacher? It can be a difficult process but thankfully I recently learned about which can help me in my search. connects students and parents with private music teachers, academic tutors and art instructors…
$200.00 Giveaway Event
What do you LOVE about going to a concert? Rita Reviews’ favorite thing about going to concerts is… getting to spend time with family and friends while enjoy a great music filled show! Well… we are happy to join Blog with Mom and Adventures of My Family of 8 in this amazing giveaway event!