First let me say I WISH I had gotten to go to the Karma Organic Spa and tell you all about it. Unfortunately I didn’t, I was lucky enough to be able to review a couple of their products. Karma Organic Spa is a company that truly believes in organic and natural which is a…
Precise Portions Update with Discount
I have been using Precise Portions for almost a year now and I must tell you that it has helped me with my portion control. In fact I can now use a regular plate and still measure everything the same way as if I was using my FOCUS Portion Control Place Setting. I have been…
Goinbee App Review
I will be the first one to admit that I am not a big fans of apps. I use very few of them and only review ones that I honestly feel are worth while. I don’t want to clog up my phone or my readers phones for that matter. I was asked to review an…
Disney’s Monsters University
Mike Wazowski and James P. Sullivan are an inseparable pair, but that wasn’t always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn’t stand each other. “Monsters University” unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends. Screaming with laughter and fun, “Monsters University” is directed by…
Vote For the Next Boppy Slipcover Design
Disney’s Brave Clips
Check out these clips from Disney’s Brave:
Repeat Possessions Review with Giveaway
My sister is younger than me and growing up she was always stealing my clothes. It never seemed to matter to her that I was about five sizes too big for her. In fact once she even stole one of bras and stuffed it with potatoes. Our father was livid when he got that call…
Mademoiselle Jewelry
Jewelry is a big part of any wardrobe and finding the perfect piece can be difficult if you aren’t sure where to look. I can help you there because I have fund a jewelry company that is simply gorgeous. It is called Mademoiselle Jewelry and I am head over heels about it. Mademoiselle is the…
Oasap Super Giveaway
I am a reviewer for and will be bringing you lots of reviews in the future but right now I want to tell you about he super fabulous giveaway they have going on right now. They are giving away 152 pieces! Each account can have 3 total entries which means you can only get…
Tatutina Review with Giveaway
My office space is very plain and functional. It doesn’t express my style or me at all and the reason is that is a part of my living area. Our home is an old cabin that was built in the 70s and the living room,dining room, and kitchen are all one large open room. Sounds…