“I loved you first” by Reena Jacobs follows the life’s of two best friends Alex and Seth. Written from Alex’s view the book is full of humor, hurt and heartbreak as Alex tries to come to turns with the fact that her best friend forever is gay. Oh right, and that shes also in love…
Sister Schubert’s with Giveaway
I was recently given the opportunity to try out two new products from Sister Schubert’sline of frozen baked goods. I have always been a fan of Sister Schubert’s, in fact, every Saturday we have her cinnamon rolls. They are sooo good. I also love how easy all of her products are to make….
24 Days of Christmas: Yandy
When you are away, alone with your hubby during the holidays you really take the time to plan out all sorts of things. Such as what you will wear for Christmas Eve that will knock his socks off. by now you all know that I end to be more modest than daring when it comes…
24 Days of Christmas: Feeling USA
Feeling USA, another one of those great lingerie sites that I love has more than outdone themselves over the course of the year we have been working together. Every time they send me something it is somehow better than the item before. Feeling USA has a little of everything, They even have men’s lingerie which…
24 Days of Christmas: Dale and Thomas Popcorn
In my home we LOVE popcorn! I am really big on buying different flavors and trying new combinations. Well when Dale and Thomas sent me one of their samplers to review I was super excited. I received the Sparkling Snowflake6 bag Sampler and let tell you that these aren’t trial size bags, they are foot…
24 Days of Christmas: Shimmer and Bliss
You all know how much I love accessories! I mean let’s face it when you are overweight accessories tend be the one item(s) that you can get that always fits! I came across a site that has some scarves that are simply to die for. It’s Shimmer & Bliss! Which I think is the perfect name for this…
Cookbook Review 175 Best Babycakes Cupcake Maker
Photo courtesy of Amazon title: 175 Best Babycakes Cupcake Maker Recipes Easy Recipes for Bite-size Cupcakes & More! publsihers addy publisher: authors: Kathy Moore and Roxanne Wyss list price $16.47 ISBN-10: 0778802833 ISBN-13: 978-0778802839 Cookbook Review 175 Best Babycakes Cupcake Maker Recipes Easy Recipes for Bite-size Cupcakes & More! When I first saw the title…
24 Days of Christmas: Lolly Boyshorts
Finding great panties for yourself or someone else for the holiday season can be tough. I found a wonderful company that has some of the cutest panties I have seen! It is called Lolly! I was so amazed when I came across Lolly because the site is very clean yet there is something about…
Style Me Up
Tween girls with a flair for fashion can step out in style with Style Me Up, a chic selection of do-it-yourself fashion kits. The kits let you create any design you’ve ever dreamed of, and then update them whenever you want. There are eight different kits: Dazzling Key Pendants, Diamond Tags, Forever Friendship Bracelets,…
The Home Depot for the Holidays with Giveaway
If you were following my tweets on Saturday you know that my mom, brother, sister in-law and I all went to The Home Depot to do a little Christmas shopping. I must tell you that I went in without anything in mind. I mean I have shopped at places like Home Depot in the past for gifts…