What is Catholic homeschooling? With some skill and a few resources, it’s not so arduous to define. As you may have smartly guessed, it is homeschooling by those with the Catholic religious faith that is ingrained into their educational material. It’s very similar to Christian homeschooling or Secular Homeschooling in that each one of these has a devotion structure, normally righteous, tied to their teaching materials. There are a few different courses for homeschooling Catholic methodology. Here’s a brief overview of some of them:
Charlotte Mason Homeschooling: Charlotte Mason was a British educationist who affirmed in “living” course books alternately to textbooks. This program of homeschooling concentrates on textbooks written by people and not by book houses. She deems that youth come to know larger physique with these circumstance-based books because they are more engaged and interested. In addition, this avenue of instructing heavily relies on your children narrating or telling back what they understand that they learned. Applying schooling is not our job; it’s the minor’s.
Classical Schooling: The main theory behind classical education is this: the imparting of knowledge and the teaching style must modify with the cognitive advancement of the offspring. The proponents of the classical manner of intellectual acquirement believe that one approach of the imparting of knowledge cannot be noteworthy for a 5-year-old and in addition be used on a teenager. Accordingly, there are three styles of imparting knowledge that are channeled throughout the youngling’s course of study process: Trivium, Analytical, and Abstract.
Those are just two of the styles to Catholic homeschooling. We actually do not use those methods at all but that is because we are a bit more unique in our needs. While I teach American and World History to the kids I also teach them Mexican History because it is their culture. On top of their basic lessons I add in Catholic lessons because I feel it is important.
I think it is wonderful that you do homeschooling. I am not sure I could do it but in my area and even at my church there is a big group of homeschooling families.
Being parts of those groups really helps make everything easier. We all help out with one another and give advice and a shoulder to lean on.
I have always wanted to home school but I think my girls would have not taken it serious, they would have given me a hard time..especially in math where I find that subject so difficult..never mind trying to teach it
Math is not my strong suit either but I have found that if I review the lessons first and teach in the way they understand it really isn’t as hard as it seems. My kids love it and we are part of a homeschool group where other parents help tackle different things. For example we have “Gym” on Fridays where they go to the park and are taught basketball, etc. I teach music weekly to all the other kids as well.
You are amazing! It sounds like you make sure to cover not only what is required but what is also important to you for religion and heritage. That would be a great way to learn. I know a mom that is homeschooling in a similar way.I think it’s a great thing to do if you have the time and the ability to home school your child. I couldn’t do it. I am not structured enough. Keep up the good job Rita!
Thanks! I do try to make sure that they learn all the important stuff but I want them to know their heritage and God so I can try to make sure I include it all.
Interesting, we don’t use them at all either. But my parents went to a Catholic school when they where kids, not home schooling though. When I was a kid my parents signed us up for bible study at our local Catholic school. I have always wanted to try home school for my kids but I am a bit hesitant about it all.
If you ever try you will love it. It is much easier than most people think and I love that I get to decide what they learn.
Great info. We have considered homeschooling with ours…not sure I am ready to take the leap, but if and when we do I have oukd love to keep the Catholic faith involved in their education.