Did you know that today is National Licorice Day? I didn’t know they had one either but they do! I love licorice, well I should say I love the red licorice but the original black is so NOT for me. I can remember growing up my daddy would eat it. He just loved the black the best. I’ll bet you didn’t know that black licorice is 50 times sweeter than sugar, and derives its botanical name from the Greek words meaning “sweet root.”
I am just full of useful information today aren’t I? Well I can’t take the credit the wonderful people at Red Vines sent me some licorice and the facts. They even only sent me 1 pack of the black, it is like they knew! I had never had the Grape before but I found that I liked it just fine. My favorite way to eat licorice is to either suck on it or pull it apart and eat it strand by strand.
Another thing I really love about licorice is that it isn’t full of calories. It may not be the healthiest the snack choice but if I had to choose between it and cookies give me two pieces of licorice any day. The Natural Vines that I received was very good. I ate the whole bag which meant yes I cheated on my diet but a small bag of natural licorice is better than the bag of chips I was planning on eating when the licorice arrived.
Here is another fun fact:
American Licorice Company has been producing in the San Francisco Bay Area for 33 years, and its Union City, Calif., factory values process before automation: The old press that delivers the dough to the first floor is still there, the second floor cook room has large kettles that fill the dough into the old large spiral ovens before being checked for quality and packaged. It also has production facilities in La Porte, Ind.
Share Your Story:
Do you like licorice? What flavor?
I think I’m going to have to get some licorice today in honor of National Licorice Day. I love Red Vines!
How funny! I JUST bought some Grapevines because they looked so good. I’m not usually a big licorice person, but the new grape flavor is yummy!
I didn’t know it was licorice day. Redvines always remind me of going to the movies.
I haven’t tried the grapevines yet but when I was a kid (okay I’ll admit I( still do it) we would bite off a little on each end and use them as straws! I like an occasional black licorice but have to be in the mood and I didn’t know about the sweetness being stronger than sugar!
i had no idea there was a grape flavored licorice.
I love Red Vines!! I would rather have licorice over chocolate any day of the week. Licorice is my weakness. I also like Red vines over any other brand. Trust me there is a huge difference in flavor. Happy National Licorice Day!!
I didn’t know there was a national day either. I am not a vine eater, The only licorice that I like is black jacks. Thank you for the info. Vicki
Thanks so much for sharing this! I am a red licorice fan too!!! I will have to share this with my Mom because red licorice is her vice.
i love licorice and red vines are great. i also like panda and twizzlers as well. i am not a fan of the black licorice though.
Wow, that’s really interesting about the black licorice being so sweet! I prefer the red kind myself, but I do know that there were a variety of flavors while I was growing up that I used to eat; I”m not sure if those are still available. Red Vines and Twizzlers are my favorite. I like the pull apart ones from Twizzler and I think straight untwisted ropes are what I enjoy from Red Vines. Licorice are fun to receive at Halloween and purchasing at the movie theater. Thanks for sharing your licorice facts!
I adore black licorice! Did you know licorice root is actually only in the black and not the other flavors? My Grandmother swore by black licorice t cure stomach problems Lts of herbal remedies but also lots of warnings not to eat tons of it!
I LOVE RedVines! I had no idea that “black licorice is 50 times sweeter than sugar” I amthrilledto see the RedVines natural, too.
I have not had Licorice in ages. I am pretty tempted to try the Grapevines out.
I’m the opposite. I’m not a big fan of red licorice, but I do like black licorice. The natural vines sound like they may be more suited for me, as I try to stay away from the less natural versions of those sweeter snack foods.
I will need to remember this for next year and buy a bunch of licorice!
I have never had Red Vine but I hear it is amazing! I love licorice!!
I love licorice. I can only have the black in small doses. My favorite is red., I hadn’t realized they were so “healthy”. I am going to have to pick some up, I have been looking for a chocolate substitute when I want something sweet.
Diana C