My dad was always bringing animals home to be rescued when we were growing up. We saw this often from a young age and learned to do the same. Of course all of this was to the bain of my mother’s existence. We learned it so well that my older brother once brought home a horse. That’s right he brought home a horse and not just any old horse either this way a nag. His friend and him went to the horse auction and in the heat of the moment (I’m guessing) my brother rescued the nag from the glue factory.
Now we owned a nag and had to first figure out where to put it. Luckily his friend had a barn and was willing to house the horse for us. I am sure this horse was given a name but we had so many different animals through the years that for the life of me I can’t remember if it was Trigger (maybe that was the buffalo…another story altogether) or Star. Next up was my brother deciding he was going to train this horse and he needed to be outfitted. So my mom set out to find some chaps for him. Finding Equestrian clearance chaps (because full price wouldn’t work when you have a family of six to cloth, feed, and all the other things we were doing) in a small town was anything but easy.
She managed to do just that though finding a pair that was a bit too large for him. My brother is very tall,over 6 feet, and I remember making so much fun of him in his chaps. He looked like there was all chap and no leg sticking out anywhere. He never seemed to care, all he cared about was taking care of this horse and training this poor pitiful creature. He did finally got the thing to where we could ride him and we had a lot fun in the year that the horse was with us.Eventually his old age and poor health took its toll and we had to have him put down. But the memories that nag gave us are priceless.
Horses are wonderful animals.. I gave up mine after a tornado took the barn down in 2008. I housed it with a family with a bunch of children. Elijah was also a rescue and 15 years old with a heart of gold. I didn’t have the heart to take him away from the family- he got alot more attention and was well loved.