Nowadays when you are planning your wedding you have options as to who will officiate your ceremony. Knowing those options can help you make an informed decision and make your day much more special. Choosing an officiant can be as formal or a casual as you want it to be. The biggest tip is to consider the theme and tone of your wedding before you begin making your decision.
Pastor or Priest
If you are planning a religious ceremony then you may want to consider a pastor or a Priest to perform your ceremony. If you do choose this option you need to e sure you contact them right away. Many religions require premarital classes that can be at least six months in advanced. Also be aware that if you are looking at having a Catholic priest officiate your ceremony while he can do it in any setting you much be married inside the church for your marriage to be recognized by the church. Many couple get around this by having their wedding and then a small ceremony inside the church with just a couple of people so their marriage is honored by the church. Not to mention pastors and priests can be very busy. There is typically no large amount of money involved with this method however it is usually customary to make a donation to the pastor or priest.
Justice of the Peace
In most counties this option means going to the courthouse And having your ceremony. Some justices will perform outside if the courthouse but you need to check with them about all they am do. This option will have some costs involved.
Friend or Family Member
Anyone can now be ordained and perform a wedding ceremony. There is typically a little paperwork involved to be sure it is legal in your country but it is not that much of a hassle. This option allows you to pick a person or persons who knows you and can make your ceremony much more personal and special. We are remarrying and my uncle who introduced us with be performing the ceremony. It means a lot to us and bring our lives together full circle.
Choosing an Officiant
What are your thoughts on choosing an officiant?
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My husband and I were married in the church that I grew up attending. We so badly wanted to have an outdoors wedding, but the weather didn’t cooperate, so we had to move it inside last minute. We had the pastor of the church do our wedding. Had my uncle been able to, I would have loved for him to have done it.
My husband and I got married in Las Vegas, we didn’t want to spend a lot of money because we were putting our money into buying a house. I did not want to have a big wedding.
good advice. my fiancee is jewish and i’m christian so we are debating who to use for ours. maybe both.
Both could be great and make it all the more special.
My husband and I went the easy route with a Justice of the Peace. When we renew we’d like to have a beach wedding so this post will come in handy.
We had a Justice of the Peace!
All of these options are a good choice. It would be nice to have a family member marry their own relative. It would be very special. I think getting married in the Church is the best option.
Neither of us are religious so it would have to be the equivalent of Justice of the peace for us – registrar – as unfortunately we can’t get anyone to marry us legaly 🙂
I didn’t know that anyone could be ordained to perform a wedding ceremony! What a wonderful way to add another memory to an already memorable day. Both for the Officiant and the happy couple. However, I am still glad that my hubby and I decided to be married in the courthouse and save some money.
My hubby & I had a very small ceremony. I wish I could of picked the Officiant myself, but I allowed his mother to take-over alot of the decisions, just to keep the peace & make his side of the family happy. Years later, I wish I had put my foot down & done things my way…
This is definitely something to think about. I think it would be great to have a family or friend. It would make it all that the more special to have someone that knows the both of you.
I think this is a very important decision for any couple. I think it is important to respect the values of each other when you decide. I know one couple that had a Catholic Priest and a Jewish Rabbi officiate at their wedding. It was a very unique service and very moving.