I know that it seems as though I have been a bit MIA lately and I have to some degree. Personal posts have taken a backseat to a lot of other things. Nothing horrible. I have just been feeling overwhelmed to some degree. There is no excuse or reason behind it. It just is. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have listed write posts on my to do list only to mark them off before I even began.
I thought I would take a break and then the hurricane came and we were lucky enough that it missed us even though they originally said it would hit us. We did have a few days without power. So, on one hand I am thankful we didn’t get hit while on the other I have so much empathy for those who have lost everything. My brother is currently in North Carolina helping in the way that he can.
So Much Water
While being without power for a few days was irritating we have been without water for the last half of September until this past Friday. We had a pipe burst in the yard. No one could fix it until after the hurricane. It got fixed but they actually hit another couple of pipes when they were replacing the first one.
That meant we had to turn the water off and there is nothing worse than having to turn the water on to flush the toilets and watch it pouring out into the years. I can only imagine what that bill is going to look like when I finally get it.
Let me tell y’all that Ma gets super angry when the power goes out so you can only imagine to be without water for that long. She called people all kinds of names and swore they were just putting us off. I think she is getting a touch of dementia. My sister also had some personal issues that has left my mother angry that she can’t be there to deal with them.
Not to mention angry anytime one of us makes a remark about my sister. It’s a vicious cycle that never ends but she’s my Ma and I have gotten much better at just ignoring it. Like I said there has just been a lot going on and I have not been in the right frame of mind to actually write anything or do much work beyond what I have to do in order to pay the bills.
Coming Back or Not?
I am actually. In fact, I have begun writing next weeks articles. Friday Conversations are coming back and there will be a monthly review at the end of the month. It was a blip and I am working towards getting out of the funk.
I am not doing any personal posts this week (other than this one) just to give myself a few extra days to work on things and get stuff written. I do have a giveaway (fingers crossed) coming up and I want to share this amazing Instagram account that I found. They make fantasy food like from The Lord of the Rings! I was so excited when I saw it.
I’m feeling overwhelmed these days, too…don’t worry about us, take care of yourself and we’ll be happily awaiting your return!
Take care of yourself..
I lost my home to Hurricane Hugo. We had no power for days. I was homeless for 10 days.
Sometimes its just best to take some time off. We also had no water a while ago and that is so much worse than no electricity. Your life sounds very similar to mine at the moment with the comments about your mom. It’s exhausting when someone gets angry very quickly at anything. Best of luck to you.