As you can see things have begun to change here. I had planned to begin this process later next year but I felt like I needed to get the theme up and running before I did anything else. I am still working on Storied Conversation as well. When I began I didn’t realize just how big of a project I was undertaking.
This is going to take months if not all of 2025. The new theme has been sitting on my computer and this morning I thought I would just upload it and then work through everything else as I go along.
Storied Conversation is going to be finished first. It is almost done and I don’t want to put that on hold to do things over here. It is important for me that I keep to the schedule I have set for myself. It’s part of my goals for 2025.
Then I will head over here and begin the process. It will take a few months because I will be going through each and every post, page, and image. Things need to be updated and some things honestly need to be deleted. Not to mention all of the feature images need to have new sizes. I don’t want to just regenerate a bunch of images. So I am updating all of them.
I will be updating y’all where I am at and using this post to keep myself on track so to speak. It just makes things easier for me because I have a little checklist of a sort that I am going through. It will also help y’all see how much closer I am to be done.
- Theme Installed and Activated
- Plugins Fixed
- Demo Content Dealt With
- Pages Updated/Old Ones Deleted
- Menus Updated
- Posts Updated (I go by “pages” which there are currently 771)
- All Images gone through (most of these will be fixed with the posts but some need to be dealt with)
There may be one or two things I had to the list up there but trust me it is a lot. Once this is completely done, sometime in 2025 we will have a huge giveaway.My hope and plans is to have both blogs done within the first three months of 2025. I don’t know if I will be able to do that but I am hoping that I will.
Just be patient with yourself, especially this time of year…I like the new font already!
Take your time and enjoy the process!
I love both of your blog and have been coming to them every single day for years now. I don’t know how you do it all you are amazing!
2025 is a year of care, especially taking care of ourselves! I love your blog posts and hearing about your family.