Being apart is not easy for any couple but it has been especially hard for us. We have to work twice as hard at connecting when we are apart. Try as we may there have been many times when we have failed miserably at this. There are a few things we do to really make the best attempt possible tough.
We text often although Edgar is world class for not responding. He is busy or doesn’t think it is important while I sit there waiting with all sorts of thoughts running through my head. Of course when we realizes that he should be answering he texts a lot which I love. I have learned though just the sort of text to get his attention! When I really want to talk with him and he doesn’t answer after I a few minutes he gets a text like “Well I’m getting in the shower, talk to you later.” I get a response within 1 second!
Phone Calls
We are not the type of couple that must hear form one another everyday four or five times a day. There are days when that happens but he usually makes sure he calls once a week and we spend a good hour or two talking abut everything that has been going on. Not talking everyday gives us more than just the little problems to talk about.
We sent one another pictures from time to time. I don’t mean dirty pictures! I do on occasion send a picture in some pretty lingerie. Trust me they are tasteful pictures with nothing showing! He is saying with a bunch of guys and I wouldn’t want anyone to pick up his phone and see something they should not. Most pictures of things I am cooking or the beach he is at. You knows things about our life!
This is the most important one! If we didn’t laugh with one another we would never make it. He is forever telling me about all the bikinis he sees on the beach. He knows I am jealous and this is his way of trying to ease my pain a bit. When he recently told me about his chest hurting I told him it was all the bikinis! It sounds like we don’t care and that could not be farther from the truth. We are simply making light of the situation we are in.
Thanks for sharing. It is often even hard for couples to connect with the busy lifestyles everyone leaves. I found that joking, teasing and lots of laughter is key for our relationship as well and often times breaks the tension from a long day.
Taking time to connect on purpose is very important in a healthy relationship. Sometimes busy weeks we will just grab a quick lunch with each other to see what going on with each other. It’s awesome
Have you ever tried putting little notes in his suitcase or computer case? I used to tuck little notes in my hubby’s clothes (inside a pair of rolled socks for example) that might simply say “I Love You”, “I Miss You”, “Counting the Days” etc for him to find during the week. He loved it and so did I.
I have not! I really need to do that. I have been secretly checking out places to live there that would be in our budget and get us all in one place again. I am thinking of a SURPRISE!! we are moving sort of thing.
When I was in a relationship, there wasn’t much communication. I’ve learned not to read too much into a situation and discuss it but it’s hard when you live apart. I won’t do another long distance relationship again–just not worth it.
I think it’s great all the different ways you try to stay connected. Have you tried Skype? When my husband is gone on long trips we always try to pick a night when we can Skype. It gives him a chance to connect with the kids and ask about their week. Plus it gives us a chance to catch up. There is something nice about just seeing the other person.
My bf lives in Ireland, and we haven’t seen each other in a year, I’ll be visiting soon though. We always make time to talk everyday even if we have nothing to say, we even watch things at the same time as a type of date. Sometimes are harder than other times but as long as we think it’s worth it than we make it work.
my husband used to travel for work and we just moved to a new state and having communication and something to connect you as a couple is definitely important when your apart. We used to call each other every night and tell each other about our day.