You need this amazing bra in your life! Coobie Seamless Bras are ultra comfortable and supportive. Perfect for everyday wear our versatile one-size fits 32A – 36D, available in 7+ styles and 70+ colors/patterns, with adjustable straps and removable pads! Try one, you’ll love it!
I remember seeing reviews of Coobie Bras a while ago, good reviews, too. I’m always looking of a better bra (what woman isn’t?). Thanks for the discount code–I’ll pop over to their website and see how they look.
I have heard good things about this brand. I’m going to go check their site out. My daughter could use some new ones.
I like the way these bras look. They have some great colors and styles and thy look comfortable yet would support too.
I wish I could have commented on your My Life with Atopic Dermatitis post. It was very informative and interesting. I am sorry for what you and others have to go though on a daily basis. I knew aa fella who had this really bad. It wasnt his fault, and people were so cruel to him. He was kind and gentle. I would see him in the grocery store and help him , people didn’t want to follow him or touch things after he did. His was almost constant.
Oh I need to try these! Some of mine are so uncomfortable, and I would love to find a few that are comfortable to wear!!! I love that they are seamless!