The cost of moving can be huge depending on where you are moving to and if you need to hire help or not. I remember the first time we made a big move (or at least the first time I can remember.) The men in the big truck pulled up and began packing and loading all of our stuff. As a child I was amazed watching them and now as an adult I can see how much help they really were and how glad my parents where to have them help us make the 200 mile move.
I am now in the place where I am considering making a move. There is no work here in our small town and Edgar has had to be away so much that it no longer makes sense to keep living here. The biggest issue at the moment is where to move to, as the job he is currently on will be over in December. The next biggest issue are the costs involved with the move. I have used an online moving calculator to try to help me determine my costs and at the moment it just seems that they out weigh staying here. When you add in the costs shown above along with the expense of finding a place, getting all of the utilities turned on, the loss of work for me for however many days, etc it can be mind-blowing!
Chances are I will have to go the Full Service route because it would just be here packing and moving everything. I can’t pick the furniture up myself and will need help with it. I can pack most things on my own. I worry about the sofa we have because it is so heavy and I know some place charge based on weight. Maybe I should just get rid of it and buy a new one once we get moved (if we move.) It is the biggest piece of furniture we have and I know there are a couple of pieces that would not be going. In all of my research I found one site that said to take only what you need.
That makes sense and I have been thinking about it. I mean of I am going to spend close to $6000 moving couldn’t I take only the things we had to have, donate everything else, and then buy new furniture and such when we get there? It could be delivered and already in place when the kids and I finally get there. Just a thought!
Alyshia says
I moved six months ago and it was a crazy mess. I wasn’t able to hire help we packed up in two days and moved to a smaller place it was difficult.
Karen Glatt says
The truck rental costed a lot more than that. I only moved about tow miles and used a UHAUL for one day and it was $70 bucks, and that was years ago. But that is still the cheapest way to move. I did not know that it costed that much to have a moving company move you. Wow it is in the thousands!
alicia k (Petite Pilates Pixie) says
we are getting ready to move now! very expensive time for us. we need a moving van too!
amanda ripsam says
I am from Toronto Canada and Moved to Michigan Usa its hard moving from friends life family. I wish you all the best
Amanda stopping by from bloging society
Breia B says
We are currently going through the same thing you guys are. There just isn’t work in this small town that we live in. My husband currently only works part time because that’s all that was available. I have narrowed it down to a handful of places but other than that, I don’t know when it would happen.
Elle Briarson says
It always costs a fortune when I move, because I have no help at all, so I usually have to pay for movers to move the heavy things, plus a truck. It’s hard. Wishing you luck Rita, that your situation goes way smoother!
Mer says
Moving is such a complicated decision, and that calculator does look very helpful. I’ve DIY moved with the help of friends and a truck rental, though these days I think I’ve got too much stuff for that.
Mary Beth Elderton says
We moved from South Carolina to St Louis back in January. When you make a move that far, there is no going back to tie up loose ends, so you have to make sure absolutely everything gets done. It seems that I may have left a load of dishes in the dishwasher at the old place—so I am now missing dishes and only have about half of my flatware! Whatever estimate you have for moving is not enough! Besides the things you can see, you will be eating out, replacing things that somehow don’t make it, and adding things that you need specifically for the new place. Still, it is usually worth it Good luck!
Diana C says
We recently moved ten hours away and the costs when we did researching was awful. We opted to rent a big truck, have family come over to help us pack stuff. We drove it all night in the rain. Ugh, all in all it turned out ok. Reasonable cost but it was a pain. We even had a dog and rabbit with us. It was an adventure, for sure.
We did donate a lot and stored a few thing with family. I wish you luck on what you decide and especially with finding a new place you love.
Diana C
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
We moved into our house from an apartment almost 5 years ago. We rented a truck and moved everything ourselves, not really an easy task. If I have to move again I would rather pay someone to move my stuff but wow I didn’t know it was that expensive.
Tammy S says
Wow the cost of moving is so much more then I remember. It is amazing to me how much it cost and that some places actually charge by the weight. I am sorry that you may have to move. But I do understand that in the long run it might just be what is best for your family. It is tough when there isn’t a lot of work and you have to leave to find work. I think the idea of selling a bunch of your stuff and buying at your new location sounds interesting. Have you checked into any of those rent to own furniture and appliance stores. that might be a good way to go. Whatever you and Edgar decide, I hope it works out for you.
Kate McAtee says
Oh my gosh, it’s so incredibly expensive to move. There are several different variables to consider. My husband and I are looking to move and we’re thinking it would be wise to wait until tax time before we do it. My sister is always moving around on the fly and I just don’t know how she does it. So many upfront expenses. It blows my mind. Great post!
Thanks for sharing!