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Okay I promised you all I would go a little more in depth with my Oriental Trading and I wanted to start with the crafts. I received three from them if you will recall. I had a plan in mind for each and every one of them along with a few other crafts that we may be doing. Also if you will remember I chose the God’s Galaxy VBS theme for us this year.
Color Your Own God’s Galaxy VBS Take Home Bag
This was perfect for all of the take home things at the end of vacation bible school. My thoughts were to allow the kids to color their bags on the very first day. This will give a craft on the first day along with a little introduction of a sorts. I thought this would be a great way to meet any of the new kids who happen to join us. I will make sure that we have a few extra bags on hand just case we get stragglers throughout the two weeks. Yes we do a two week vacation bible school That was my idea because we host ours during the day sort of like a day camp thing. It works well for everyone in our church.
Then I was planning on putting each of the kids names on the bottom of the bag. I will also put a number in the corner so we know which teacher the kid belongs to. It just helps us while we organize things. We tend to do crafts together (age wise) in our large dining hall where there are more than enough tables. It is fun for all of the kids and allows the teachers to share supplies.
Color Your Own Adam and Eve Story Wheel
These wheels will be geared towards the younger kids. It will be just something fun for them to learn and follow along with the story of Adam and Eve. It is one of the stories we are focusing on this year.
Whichever teacher has that age group can have the kids color and then they can discuss the story. It is a simple tool that the kids can relate to because they see it through their own eyes. It is actually a pretty useful tool that works well. We have used something similar in the past and I can tell you that the teens that were small when we did it still remember the stories.
Color Your Own God’s Galaxy VBS Flags
These are perfect because we can use them in our Galaxy Olympics (the name changes according to our theme) which is what typically takes place the second week. We spend that time doing all sorts of events outside. Such as find the penny in the flour. The teams are divided evenly with the younger kids working with the older ones. It helps build teamwork and bring us together as a community. I thought the kids could color them in their team colors and we will write the team names on them as well. The older kids come up with the team names on the first day. The adults decide the colors and we have VBS shirts done in each color for the kids to wear as well.
Connect with Oriental Trading
Whether you are looking for vacation bible school supplies or are having a party and need a few things Oriental Trading has got you covered. Be sure that you connect with them on social media as well to stay up to date on all of their news.