This week faith has been on a roller coaster ride with me. There have been extreme highs and extreme lows. One day I would be more than willing to tell you how wonderful God is and all the the things he has done. then next day not so much. My week has reminded me of the story of Job. If you are unfamiliar with story it is about a man that God allowed bad things to happen to in order to prove a point.
Don’t quote me on that. It is simply my summary of the story. Some days I wonder what it would be like to talk with God and ask “Is there a plan for me?” ” Does all this go on for a reason?” Other days I really don’t want to know the answer to that question.
The low days do little to extinguish my prayers. At the end of everyday I still talk with God and discuss both the bad and the good. There hasn’t been an answer yet but maybe his phone has been a little like mine lately; crappy signal!
It sounds like you’re having a trying week. I never get an answer either, but at least we’ll keep trying.
@Amy Trying is all we can do.