What sort of creativity can we learn from kids?Well all sorts to be honest. Spend a day just watching all the things your kids do when they think you aren’t watching. They do all sorts of amazing things. My daughter will work through all sorts of problems including world peace (although giving everyone in the world cookies may not actually work) when she is playing on her own.
Through my children I have learned the joy of finger painting and how to sew an outfit back together. There are a millions times a day that I think about the way to redo or come up with something that will work for my kids, entertain them or to put back together because of them. There are plenty of times that I look to my children also for inspiration for blog posts, story ideas and more. In fact I am much more creative now than I ever because of my children. How do your children inspire your creativity?
What I love about my little kids is their simple minds. They can entertain themselves with basically anything. I live how they find joy in the smallest things. I wish I was more like them enjoying the small stuff.
Aaww I love the cookie idea lol, I feel the same way about my kids there’s just something wonderful about an innocent child having such simple solutions for any situation.
I don’t have my own children, but I spend a lot of my time with my friend’s children. They are always coming up with new games they invent themselves. I use this as inspiration for activities to do with the children I volunteer with at my local hospital.
I don’t know…giving everyone in the world a cookie might be a start… 🙂 Children are seeing the world with brand new eyes. Watching them play can give us a fresh perspective.
I have learned so much from my daughter. She is super creative, She is one of those people that always has several projects going at a time. She has taught me how to scrapbook, how to do origami, and how to do needle point. I love when we work on crafts together. It’s a very special time set aside just for us.