Have you ever thought that we each have a curved spine but our bed are flat? Ever just wonder about that? I mean it is no wonder that we all have back pain. These are the things that I sometimes am curious about and want to know the answers to. When whomever was making the very first bed I wonder if he (I am sure it was a man!) was thinking that he just wanted to be up off the ground more than anything else.
I bet he was, and the funny thing is that almost all of us will agree that he was a genius because our backs would be hurting even more if we were still sleeping on the ground with all the rocks. I so want an adjustable bed for so many different reasons. Last night while I was sitting there at my laptop, thinking how much I hated adjusting the fifteen pillows I realized that while all of that irritates me I can only imagine how much it irritates Edgar.
After all every time I move the bed shakes and he has to roll over because I have managed to wake hm up! When we watch television we end up with our heads laying in the middle of the bed because we sort of fall that way as the pillows begin to flatten out. When I finally get a new adjustable bed I am going to post a hundred different pictures for all of you to see as it will be like going on vacation!
Yea, why are beds flat if we have a curved spine. That is weird. I think that my pillow top helps me with my spine not being so flat on the bed. You are getting an adjustable bed? How awesome, I think those beds are cool!
That is interesting that beds are so flat when our spines are curved. We have a pillow top mattress with a feather bed because I like a fluffy bed with some give!
I have thought about this before. I have trouble sleeping on my back because I get some back pain and soreness if I start out on my back. It causes me to wake up several times during the night.
An adjustable bed does sound fantastic. I’m looking forward to hearing how it works out for you…we’re thinking of trying something different as well, so a review would be so helpful.
As soon as I get one I will let you all know. If it works wonderfully maybe I will get a good night’s sleep.I haven’t had one in a while.
I’ve never thought of it like that! For some reason i always thought adjustable beds were just meant for the elderly to make it easier for them to get in and out of bed like in hospitals. Going to consider one the next time i buy a bed
I thought they were for elderly or hospital patients but I am now thinking that the beds may be why you sleep so well at the hospital, when they let you sleep that is.
I have to admit I always seems to associate adjustable bed with elderly people, but put that way it is definitely something I think I really should invest in. I constantly have a sore back!
Me too! I thought it was something I should get for my mom first but I am thinking I need it more!
I have often wondered about this too. My hubby and I are different kind of sleepers, he moves all night long and I may move once. The most comfortable sleep I had was in the hospital, after my son was born, mostly because I could adjust the bed. We have often discussed investing in an adjustable bed, just never got around to it. 🙂
That is us, we need one because of the way we sleep but we just never seem to get around to it. It is one of those things that we put off as it was never that important, now it is.
That is a really good question. I never really thought about. We have a memory foam mattress and I would love to have an adjustable mattress. We have been talking about it. I hope that we will get one in the next year. I can’t wait to see the picture when you get yours.
I haven’t decided yet which one, tomorrow we are going to check out the sales and see what we like.