Today I am doing something a little different, you all see my thoughts on parenting stresses and messes all the time but what about hubby’s? So I wrote down a few questions and asked him to answer them honestly about his thoughts on parenting. Here is what he has to say and in the true spirit of my wonderful hubby I put his answers in both English and Spanish since he answered more in Spanglish.
1.) What is the biggest joy you get out of parenting?
Mirando a mis hijos crecer y llegar a ser la gente que conozco que puede ser.
Watching my children grow and become the people I know they can be.
2.) What is the worst parenting mess you have ever had to clean up (and that I may not know about?)
Hubo un lío poopy que de alguna manera logró llegar a todos lados. creo que fue lanzada en realidad fuera del pañal, pero tuve que limpiar todo esto por mi cuenta además de ver todas las sábanas de la cama.
There was a poopy mess that somehow managed to get everywhere. i think it was actually thrown out of the diaper but I had to clean it all on my own plus watch all the bed sheets.
3.) What is your 1 baby must have?
Montones y montones de trapos. Son la cosa que debe tener todo el tiempo.
Lots and lots of wipes. They are the thing I must have all the time.
4.) What is the one piece of parenting advice your father gave you?
Ser un buen padre es fácil cuando se tiene un buen matrimonio porque sus hijos aprenderán a amar a partir de su ejemplo.
Being a good father is easy when you have a good marriage because your children will learn to love from your example.
5.) What is the 1 thing you hope our children learn from you?
Para estar orgullosos de su herencia mexicana y nunca permita que nadie para que se sientan como si estuvieran menos.
To be proud of their Mexican heritage and never allow anyone to make them feel like they are less than.
My hubby is such a great father! Speaking of great fathers, Poncho de Anda will be doing a Facebook Chat on September 20, 2012 from12 pm to 1 pm EST. This is your chance to ask ask Poncho how he deals with parenting challenges. Please note that the chat is in Spanish but you never know because that Spanglish tends to jump in.
To join in just visit the Huggies Latino Facebook Page and look for the picture of Poncho de Anda, click it, and you’re all set. Check out the video below to see Poncho in full parenting action!
**This is a sponsored post in collaboration with Huggies and Latina Bloggers Connect however all opinions are 100% completely my own and my husbands.**
Aaw I love his answers especially number 4. He sounds like a great dad!
He is a great dad and a wonderful husband. I am so lucky to have him.