As a military brat I am well acquainted with dangerous jobs but you would be surprised what may of them pay. In fact you would most likely be surprised what combat pay was. I was reading this article on dangerous jobs and what they pay when I realized that I didn’t think anything about how super dangerous some of these jobs really are.
I never thought for one second about logging being a dangerous job but it is and with good reason. I know there are shows about it but I don’t watch them because they freak me out like you wouldn’t believe. Just about everything they do is dangerous but on the chart on that article I read they are at the lower end of the pay scale. In fact the median annual pay is a little over $36,000 a year. That is nothing! Not even a drop in the bucket when you think about it. I didn’t realize they made so little and hope they have some awesome benefits.
Another job was that was there was garbage collectors. Now where I live we have a prison and the prisoners do the collecting and I guess they get paid but I don’t know for sure or what. What I didn’t think about was their job being dangerous. I guess it is and the article showed they had 35.8K fatal accidents based on per 100k workers. That seems like a lot for me in a job where the median annual pay is around $33,000. That just seems crazy to me and I don’t even want to know what happened cause I can imagine and none of it is good.
I also noticed that Alaska was one of the states that had the most of fatal injuries in the dangerous job category but I guess that would make sense. After all it would seem like a tough place to live in some parts. I imagine a lot of logging and fishing (another dangerous job with low pay) goes on there.
I can see that logging can be a dangerous job, but you know, I never thought about trash collecting being so dangerous. It’s good to be aware of these things in our world though.
I have a cousin who was “logging” on his own and ended up with a tree on top of him. He had to wait for help and is a paraplegic because of it.
Prisoners collect your trash? Wow I haven’t heard of that before hah!
The garbage collectors here never leave the truck and are city workers- they make excellent money. There are other jobs though not too dangerous, you would think would pay more like teachers, nurses, care givers. There are tons of construction folk who make little and there are more injuries not reported.