We all know that driving while under the influence is dangerous and I am sad to say that I have had experience with it in my life. Not that I myself has ever drove while under the influence. My cousin was killed just before his 20th birthday by a drunk driver. He was riding a motorcycle and the car hit him head on, killing him instantly.
He was a cousin that I wasn’t close to but knew well enough. We had gone to school together when I was very young. He was my older brother’s age and when we lived close to one another he would come over sometimes. I also had an uncle that was killed after falling off the back of a truck. He was in his early 20’s when it happened and it affected my family more than anything. He was in the Navy and him and his friends had been drinking, heading back to the base. He fell out of the truck and broke his brain stem, killing him.
From that moment on we were never allowed to ride in the back of a truck again. If we even thought about my father would freak out. He was very close to his brother and the loss of him was just too much. the facts about drinking while under the influence (DWI which what the police will put on your ticket and arrest report) is staggering.
For example 23.4% of drunk drivers are between the ages of 21-25 years old. Can you believe that? Those drivers have to take all of those shameful field sobriety tests too. Let’s face if you pass someone pulled over, trying to walk a straight line you know what is going and chances are you do a double take to see if you know the person. That shame isn’t enough to stop them though. Having the DWI facts can help a lot and if you have teens who are driving make sure they know the facts as well. You never know whose life you might save just by speaking up.
It is so sad that in this day and age that we are still having so many people that continue to drink and drive! Or in many cases use some drugs and drive. I have talked to my kids so many times and it still scares me. Thanks for passing on this very important information.
I still cannot believe with everything that we know that there are still people who will get behind the wheel of a car after drinking and then drive..what are they thinking?
It is so important to discuss this topic with younger kids just as much as between adults. We always teach are kids the importance of making good decisions and not drinking and driving ever. It’s so sad when a horrible thing like this happens, you think by now people would get it.
A girl I knew when I was a young teen was killed in a horrible alcohol-related crash. She wasn’t the driver but she was out messing around and one of the older kids she was drinking with got behind the wheel. It made a huge impression on me and I’ve NEVER been even tempted to drive drunk or get in the car with someone who has been drinking.