Things were always difficult. After 4 years he had an affair that resulted in children. We weren’t in the best place. There was no work in the small town we lived in and he had to go out-of-town for work. While in the middle of his affair he got a DUI and lost his license. The DUI was both good and bad. Good in that he realized what he wanted. He realized that we were worth fighting for and as difficult as it was we worked through everything. Bad in that we were certain it would affect his green card status and spent months in fear that he would be deported.
By the grace of God we got through it. Our faith was stronger than ever because we felt that God had really watched out for us. Little did I know that my faith would soon be tested beyond its breaking point.
“It is no longer the same way.” That was the text that Edgar sent me on June 28 th. How in the world could my marriage be over? How did he go from loving me to not? A million questions ran through my mind. Late that night he texted again, telling me that it has just been so difficult seeing each other recently. He was working in Miami and I was in Georgia. We hadn’t seen each other in weeks. So just like that it was over.
Sometimes we don’t know why it seems all the bad things are happening to us all at one time. It breaks my heart to know how much you were going through. I do know that we have seen you rise from the situation to become a much stronger person. You actually believe in yourself now and it shows in your writing. You are an amazingly strong woman!
Thank you Tammy.
I am slightly confused I thought you were working things out and renewing your vows. I pray that God will be with you and comfort you. Just remember how strong he is and what he can deliver us from.
We are. This series is how we got to where we are now so I am going back over everything that happened, the emotions, etc.
I see wow that makes me feel so much better for you.
Wow. That would have been a crushing, heart wrenching text to receive. And a text? Somethings are so hard to believe. I’m glad this wasn’t the end.
It was, all I kept thinking was “a text, after all these years, a text is all I am worth”
I’m sorry to hear that 🙁 For some reason bad things in life do happen at the same time! 🙁 I hope it all works out for the best!
It is something we are working on, slowly…very slowly.
Wow. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise for you to move to something better for you. Sometimes we become stronger people while working through pain. I wish the best for you.
Thank you.
Wow, that is heavy. You have been through a lot together. Edgar is blessed to have you and I hope he realizes that now. Why do things have to get so far before that happens?
I am not sure but I know that God had a plan for us and we are struggling through it.
I think he acted like a coward by texting you. Come on now. That is something that an immature middle school child would do. I hope you are able to work things out if that is what you want, but you deserve so much more than a yo-yo, on again, off again marriage.
Yeah it was pretty dirty!
I know the distance thing can be hard. My boyfriend currently lives about an hour away, and we only see each other every other weekend. It’s really hard, and we have had many fights. We are getting stronger every day though. We are happy now. I feel so in love, and I knew that God didn’t bring him into my life for no reason. I always felt like we belonged together. We were both at really low points in our lives before we met.
I cannot tell you how much your comment means to me. Today of all days I really needed to hear that someone else has been there. I too feel as though we belong together.
I believe god only gives us what we can handle and even like adam and eve taking the apple and eating it we each have to lead our own way through life and sometimes we stumble but we have strength to carry on and be open to our stumbles.
I think so too Jodi.
I’m so sorry to hear this. It’s often very hard for men AND women in marriage to avoid temptation. One of the hardest and most admirable things I’ve ever done in my life was to forgive my *now* husband for cheating while we were in a long distance situation. We didn’t have extenuating circumstances like children, but it was still a rough patch. Be strong.
Thank you for your courage in sharing this. It must have been hard to write, let alone live through. I look forward to reading how you came through this…
I am sorry to hear this. I know you tried hard to work through it. Be strong.
I commend you for being so open and vulnerable. It’s what we keep inside, silently and sometimes in shame that festers. And reading about your struggles (or anyone else’s) makes me feel it’s “okay” to have my own.
We’re all in this together…..somehow.
what a brave person you are to share your story. you are a very strong person and your faith shows.
I’m really sorry it turned out the way it did. It’s really scary when you come to realize the person you thought was your better half, didn’t really feel the same way you did. I’m shocked you are really caring towards him even after he cheated on you, but on the other hand you do really love him:) Hope things gets better for you.
Thank you Sara. Yes like a fool I love him for better or worse.
Though that must have been so difficult, I am glad from reading your posts that you keep fighting for your marriage. Money is the issue with mine. The lack of it. I always thought it was nutty that couples would split up because of it. But the stress that is putting on ours makes it believable. I am so glad that all of us, have our faith to fall back on.
Marriage is the hardest job in life! You do the best you can and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt! Been married 30 yrs this April and we were married young. 19 and 20 . Times were hard and kids right away. Got through it but dont know how!
God Bless
Thanks for sharing!