Hello day 9 of the 25 Days of Me and I thought I would reshare this post with all of you from 2013. It is still pretty relevant although I did go through and do some updating here and there. I made sure to tell you what has changed.
Many people think that my days are filled with me being online doing nothing. I wish that were the case. Bloggers lives are each as different as the blogs we write. Depending on what sort of a blogger you are and what all you do there are a million different things to be done.
Every blogger has their own schedule and I would love to tell you that we stick to it and everything gets done just the way it should. Well the only thing that works out is that I get up at 6am every morning (almost) and that it is. My days are filled with emails, diaper changes, homeschool, and more.
2021 Update
There aren’t as many diaper changes and homeschool sessions as there were in 2013. My kiddos are all out of diapers now and while that makes me sad there are still plenty of nieces and nephews. Also with Sam and his special needs it takes a bit more attention which is means not having a baby is perfect.

As a review blogger I have pictures to take and edit them, information to track down, products to find and more. With my other blogs I have to plan articles for a month and get them written along with images for each article. I then have to schedule and write all of my social media and try to engage everyone on those.
I am launching a new media company next year and have been working on getting it set up, designed, and other things that go along with starting a business. I am about half way there and am very excited. I never thought I would be able to do something like this but it has been a dream of mine for a while and it seemed like the time to jump in and go for it.
On top of all of this I have to clean the house, wash the laundry, feed the family, do the shopping, and all of the other things that go along with being a wife and a mother. There are days when if I hit the bed before 3am I consider it a successful day. However I wouldn’t change a second of it for all the money in the world.
2021 Update
Most of the above is still true today. We did launch the new media company and was successful. In fact, we were bought out two years later and still occasionally do some work for them. Today not only do I write the blogs but I also am an assistant to a couple of authors. I do various online work for them just as social media, responding to emails. handling some scheduling, and sending out PR stuff. Along with a few other things. So all in all work life has gone from okay to good to great.
Home life is going well too. As y’all know I was diagnosed with congestive heart failure and am working to manage that along with still keeping up with the senior citizens and the kids. I will say having older kids is a bit easier because they pick up behind themselves 80% of the time.
How do you spend you days? Working? Staying home with the kids? Share it with us in the comments below.
sounds like my life story!:) its hard to balance your life AND blog! 🙂
It is and there ae some days when it so not worth it but most days it is SO worth it.
I’ve contemplated many times with starting a blog, I’ve been also told that I should, I have no clue what to write about and if anyone would follow me, I’m not that entertaining and my writing skills are horrid, good for you, wishing you the best in your new venture, God has great things for you to come!
I didn’t either. My first reviews were so formal and detached. Now I just write from my heart and hope that people enjoy it. With this blog I simply followed God’s voice and while it is still evolving I think I am getting there.
I’ve never doubted the work bloggers such as yourself put into it. I admire the self discipline needed to stay on task. I’ll say a prayer for you in your new business venture.
Thank you Wendy. I am nervous about it but my wonderful blogging friend and I feel that we are in the right place to tackle this.
I am a blogger and I work full time outside my home. I am one to blog in the middle of the night. Blogging is not easy, but I do enjoy it.
The middle of the night works for me sometimes too.
WOW! You are beyond busy. I don’t know how you find the time to do it all. Especially with young children and homeschooling. I do have to say I love both your blogs and I am glad you do find the time. I am so happy for you starting a new business. I can’t wait to hear more about it.
It is not easy some days but I have learned that organization is what makes it all possible.
Yep – I can totally relate. I work full-time, come home and blog (which is, essentially, just more work), cook, clean, change diapers, put kids to bed, etc. I can attest to the fact that is IS exhausting. Keeping my goals at the top of my mind helps me plow through the day by keeping my eye on the prize. Like you, I wouldn’t trade my life for anything.
Keeping your eye on the prize is the best way to go.
You are one busy lady for sure! I’m tired just reading about what you do. I appreciate all of the hard work that you do to bring your blogs to us!
Some nights I fall into bed but other times I am just fine. It is a lot but before I started blogging I was lost and barely managing to get through the day. I strive on this.
I also appreciate all you have to do and manage bogging as well. The nurse in me wants to gently remind you to please take time for yourself (exercise and stress reduction) so you can continue to blog for years to come!
I need to exercise much more than I do and that is something I am working on even harder with the new year.
I know blogging does take a lot of work. I work outside the home, have a 4 year old son and have a blog but it is more of a hobby and the few times I have reviewed products, I know it takes a while to put together a thoughtful post and host a giveaway. I do appreciate all the work you put into your blogs.
I have learned that no blog is just a hobby. It all takes work. Rita Reviews and Crossroads Media Hub are the businesses that make me money and support my family. This Faithful Life is my just for me blog.
That’s an amazing schedule. You are a very busy lady. Make sure you take care of yourself. And can I say, you are inspiring. To do all your blogging and household duties is a lot, but to go on and take on a new business is amazing. I hope it is a success.
Diana C
Thank you Diana! My friend and i just felt that we were int he right place at the right time and it was something that both of us always wanted to do. So we are jumping in with both feet.
I greatly admire women who are able to blog successfully in addition to managing busy lives as wives, mothers and, often, homeschool teachers. It’s a tremendous amount to manage. I couldn’t survive with so little sleep though!
I do sleep in sometimes. One of the wonderful things about blogging is that if you can manage it you can write and schedule things ahead. That doesn’t happen often for me but I do occasionally manage to get ahead.
The only thing that stays the same for me is Waking up at 6 every.single.morning. I would give ANYTHING to be able to sleep in past 7 but that just doesn’t happen lol. I can’t make myself do it! I love having a blog. Mine started as just a hobby back in 2011, but eventually I found out how much I enjoyed doing more & “meeting” and connecting with other bloggers and now it’s just one of my jobs! It’s fun!! I enjoy doing blogging! I want to still get my blog bigger, but I’m sure that just takes time!
It does take time to get bigger but I have found that you are always striving for more. At least I am anyways. I work hard and love each reader I have but I always have a goal that I am striving to meet.
I dont know how bloggers do it. Because working at home has to be the hardest thing to do. I could not keep it together. If I had to work and look at dishes in the sink or laundry to fold, floors to clean and have kids at home on top of it, I could not keep my thoughts straight to do it right. That is why I have never really blogged, written that book I want to…don’t have the discipline and motivation to do it right and afraid of failing. You have the grit girl. Keep it up!
First thanks! Second you have the grit! Don’t ever be afraid of failing. Thomas Edison’s teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He was fired from his first two jobs for being “non-productive.” As an inventor, Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb. When a reporter asked, “How did it feel to fail 1,000 times?” Edison replied, “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention with 1,000 steps.” You can do it, I know you can!
I don’t know how you do it! But props to you!