Deborah’s story can be found in the book of Judges in chapters four and five. She is introduced in the fourth verse as a prophetess and the leader of Israel at that time. She was the wife of Lappidoth and the first woman judge. Deborah was a great decision maker and the people of Israel bought their disputes to her for judgment. She exemplified true characteristics of a leader. Not only did she encourage the people of God to obey Him, but she also had the respect of a military official. She showed that she wasn’t just concerned with the success of the Israelites but their lives as well.
Although significant in many ways, Deborah is noted for her relaying of the message from the Lord to Barak. At this time, Israel was crying to the Lord for help because they were sold into the hands of Jabin. The Lord heard the children of Israel’s cry. This is yet another example of His grace and mercy. Even after they did evil things in the eyes of the Lord, He saved them. Barak was commanded to take an army of ten thousand men to Mount Tabor, where he was victorious in a battle against Jabin’s army. Jabin’s army was led by Sisera. Jabin had the Israelites in oppression for twenty years. However, when Deborah gave him the instruction that she received from God, he refused to go to Mount Tabor unless she accompanied him. Although it is unknown why he felt the need of her presence, it speaks volumes about the influence she had. Deborah then instructed him, because of the way he was handling the problem, the honor for this battle will not go to him, but rather a woman. As Deborah had informed him, the battle was won, and Sisera, the leader of Jabin’s army, was killed by Jael. The children of Israel grew stronger against Jabin and destroyed him.
Deborah was known for her prophetic gifts. Instead of accepting praises for her ability, she constantly gave all the praise to God and continuously humbled herself and exalted Him. Her prophetic gift shows that she had a close relationship with God, one that afforded her divine knowledge from God and inspiration from the spirit of God. Through this relationship, she became a strong leader, one who was totally in service to Israel and with her gifts served as a mediator for the children of Israel and God. Everything that God had revealed to Deborah came to pass and in turn she wrote a song. In this song, she gave praises to God for allowing them a victory in the war that ensued because of Israel’s disobedience.
Deborah’s life sets a standard in which to live by, showing how important it is to seek God above all things. Due to her close relationship with Him, she was given gifts that were able to help save a nation. Her gift of prophecy, to encourage and give the people vision, her gift of wisdom, to delegate and lead in all situations, and in her meekness, she remembered that even though she was a judge, she was still a servant of God above all things. Her life is an example of God’s will, being fulfilled through obedience. Even when the Israelites were disobedient and decided to live a life unacceptable to God, He had mercy on them and delivered them using Deborah.
In conclusion, as children of God, we must remember to turn from our evil ways and remember to call His name in times of affliction. We must remain humble and willing to submit wholly to His purpose, while diligently seeking a relationship with Him. It is when we allow Him full reign over our lives that we can be used for His glory.
Oh how true it is that when we stick to God good things can happen. Thank you for sharing the story of Deborah, it had been a long time since I heard this one.
Thank you for taking the time to tell Deborah’s story. I have never reflected on it, and there are many good lessons in her example.
I’ve never read Deborah’s story, I love how she was humble even with the power that The Lord possessed her with, we all can learn that it is through God that we are blessed with these gifts and to stay humble.