Depression can find it’s way to just about anyone. I am not exception to it. Lately feeling down and a bit depressed has begun to creep into just about every aspect of my life. There have been days when I sit down to work only to find that I don’t have it in me. In fact, recently I spent a full day with my head down on my desk unable to do anything. It’s a hard feeling to shake and one I am working on. As you can see I have gone ahead and updated my theme with something “Springy” in the hopes of things feeling fresh and new I will feel revived and refreshed myself.
I have, for the longest time, attempted to not work on the weekends but I always end up spending most of the weekend sitting here working, eating, and then beating myself up for having spent so much time online. This weekend that changes. I will NOT be online at all on ANY weekend from here on out. Anything that posts on the weekends have been pre-scheduled and if you send me an email it will be answered on Monday morning. Giveaways that end will also be handled on Mondays. By doing this I am giving myself permission to (1) go out and have fun with my family (2) disconnect so that I can be fresh for each week.
Things have just been overwhelming so much lately. I am hoping to recharge not only the blog but my family life and myself. You will see many new reviews in the coming weeks as well as more family life/personal stories and photographs. I will also be adding many new recipes as I haven’t added any in a while. As always I thank you for your support and cherish your input.
Awww. I hope you get back to yourself soon ~ Here’s what I recommend:
Surround yourself with pretty things that you love. Start a new activity or hobby, this should jolt some energy within you..sometimes the same mundane things can be a downer. Open the windows, let the light in and get some fresh air. Go shopping! Panties, perfumes & bath/body treats always does it for me ;). Start an exercise regimen-exercising produces natural ‘happy’ endorphins. Music Music music! This is definitely a mood enhancer. Express your emotions. Sometimes all you need is a shoulder to lean on to make you feel better.
I hope my two cents helps you hun bun! (((((Big Hugs)))))
So sorry that you’re not feeling your best, but it sounds like you are on the right track! Taking the weekends off to do fun things with your family or just have some “ME” time is good therapy. I like to set aside an hour a day just to sit outside somewhere with a nice cup of tea or a glass of wine and soak in all the miracles of nature and the good things in my life… sometimes I even journal or brainstorm while I’m there, if something is really bothering me. It always helps me to get things out on paper, deal with them and most times, throw the paper away. Hope you’re feeling much better soon.
You are on the right path and it will lead you from the forest into the light again.
Hugs Galore!
Keep smiling . That’s the way you have to think about it 😉
It is a hard feeling to shake. It sounds like you’re doing all the right things though. Just remember, you’re still an awesome person, even when you’re depressed. 🙂
Thank you all so much. I am taking it one day at a time and then going from there.
Sounds like you might need some extra vitamin D. I don’t know about you but if I don’t get enough sun, I need some D. I take 5000 to 10000 ius daily if I know I won’t be getting any sun and it sure helps. Hope you feel better soon and take the weekends off, you deserve it!
I’m going through the same thing actually along with horrible anxiety. The past two months have been unbearable almost. Just last week I went to visit the doctor and he ran some tests to see what’s wrong and one of my test came out positive I may have anything from lupus, fibromyalgia, to rheumatoid arthritist. I’m tryin to stay positive and hope for the best but it’s extremely hard when I just can’t seem to shake feeling down. I think i mightasks take your idea and plan something fun with the family on the weekends. I hope we both start feeling better soon!
I am sorry. I hate that feeling…it takes a toll on your body and family. Do something fun and take care of yourself.