I have told you all before that I am Roman Catholic. That means there are years of dogma and traditions that we follow. The thing is I disagree with some of those traditions and beliefs.
So what can I do about it? I could go out and find a new church but I want to faithful to my religion. So I bring this issue to God. Is it okay to disagree with my church? That was a question that weighed heavily on my mind. What I discovered though is that actually yes it is. After all a church is not God himself but made up of humans who are just as flawed as I am.
It doesn’t make them right or wrong. It also doesn’t make me right or wrong. In the end we have the same core valves and beliefs. It is how we get there that is different and that is okay. Pope Francis is sending out surveys to find out the modern Catholics feel about issues. Many things which a lot of people disagree with the church on. He wants to get a sense of what his church thinks and I am grateful that he will take the time to maybe see all sides of an issue.
I agree that is is okay to disagree with the church on some issues. We were taught by this great Priest in Catechism class that it was okay to question some of the beliefs and traditions of the church. That if you go back into the history of the church, you would see why some where put in place. Why they don’t make sense in today’s world. He told us the most important thing was that we still came back to the church for guidance and strength. I have never struggled with this since that day in class.
I think its definitely ok to disagree with your church. Doesn’t make you less of a catholic then the next person. It means you have your own views and beliefs that you hold to yourself and not everything in church is supposed to be agreed with.
I agree that it is okay to disagree. I am Presbyterian and have been to numerous churches in my adulthood. Give all of these pastors the same scripture and no two will analyze it the same. Not to mention that there are some facets of the church on a whole that I don’t totally get.