Divorce in the U.S. is fairly common nowadays. As you all know that is something I we are working very hard at avoiding. However after reading this infographic I was staggered by the numbers and I would love to know what all of you think about it. There are many interesting fact such as the divorce rate is highest in Oklahoma (now I want to know why.)
My parents were married before marrying one another and spent 26 years together before my dad passed away. Edgar was married before me as well. Those numbers scare me! I don’t want to be a statistic but then again I guess no one really does. I found the fact that you were less likely to divorce interesting but I wonder if couples sometimes stay together for the children and then do more damage than good.
I had no idea! I guess I should consider myself VERY fortunate not to be one of the statistic numbers! My mom and dad were married 48 years before my mom died and I have been married 27 years. It has not always been fairy tales and lollipops ~ but definitely worth the effort that goes into a marriage.
There is a lot of divorce in the USA. But a lot of people are not getting married at all. It is always sad when a divorce involves children because they get hurt the most when their is a divorce.
I think the cultural attitude towards marriage has shifted. A lot of people marry almost casually – they never expect it to be forever. My husband and I didn’t marry until we were in our 30s, mostly because we both wanted to wait until we met the right person. I think a lot of people marry people who are ultimately poor matches for them. Once the novelty and intial attraction wears off, they’re unhappy.
These numbers are mind blowing. I think it’s to easy sometimes for people to give up and not fight for their marriage. I think marriage takes a lot of work. I know for my husband and I that we have to make sure we make time for each other. We both get busy with work, the kids, housework. We try to make sure we have some time together just the two of us. We like to go for walks in the evening or go and get a massage. We figure that they kids will eventually leave home and we better enjoy each others company. LOL
I wonder if there is a book about the history of divorce through the ages. There is no easy answer. I’m glad for people who have managed to get out of a bad situation and have been able to get on solid ground, either as a single, or single with children, or remarried and it works.
So I am Rosie. Marriage takes so much work and you have to be 100% there for it to work.