As you all know I have to keep my blood pressure in check which means I have to check it often throughout the day. I had an older cuff that worked okay but left me a nasty bruise on my arm because it always seemed to get to tight and I bruise so easily. That can make keeping up with my blood pressure difficult at best.
If I took my blood pressure and had a bruise then I had to wear a long sleeve shirt or look as though someone had hurt me. That is what usually happens anytime when I am in the hospital or go to the doctor’s office. I come out looking like I was in a fight and didn’t win. When I was given the chance to review one that went on my wrist you know that I had to jump at that. This little Dlife Portable Digital Button Wrist Blood Pressure Cuff was perfect. It goes easily on my wrist and I can get it going one handed.
Now it have a memory button and all that but I don’t really use it since I write down my blood pressure in my planner each day. I just use the simple one but to touch and wait for it to do its thing. The doctor told me to make sure I don’t cross my legs, hold my arm above ,y heart, and to keep both feet flat on the ground to get the best reading. She even said that I was not to talk if possible.
The Dlife Portable Digital Button Wrist Blood Pressure Cuff is perfect because it is small and comes in this handy little case. That allows me to toss it in my tote or purse and be off. I couldn’t ask for anything better. Oh and to be sure it was accurate I took it with me to my doctor’s office and had her check my blood pressure with their cuff and then used mine. They were with a few digits of one another.
This post is so informative for us right now..husband has to take his blood pressure daily and he actually hates the one he recently purchased..I’ll have to show him this one. thanks again Rita for the post
This looks like a much better one that I had when I was having to keep track of my blood pressure.
@Sara Zielinski
I think the wrist blood pressure monitor will have great difficulty in replacing the blood pressure in the arm. for a medical monitoring requires a blood pressure arm
This sounds like an awesome blood pressure cuff.
My Mom uses one of these & it works really well. We’ve found it to be very accurate (try taking your vitals just before visiting the doctor & compare his numbers with yours to test accuracy, lol.)
What a great product! I have to watch my blood pressure also but so far don’t have to take it every day. If I ever do, this would be perfect for me.