We all know the verse: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The problem is how so you practice that in today world? Lets face it the world we live in is cruel at the best of times. We treat people the way we want to be treated but that back fires most of the time. People treat us however they choose to and there is nothing we can do about that.
The truth is we need to be the bigger person. We need to treat people with respect regardless of the way they treat us. So what if you opened the door for someone and they smarted you off. Maybe you let someone go in front of you in the line and everyone got angry.
But what if one single person saw you? What if your single act of kindness makes someone’s day? What if the woman you let go in front of you in the line is abused and running late? What if you letting her go in front of you stops her from being beat because he gets there on time? I know that sounds a bit crazy but you don’t know what anyone is going through in their lives and how you may make a difference without knowing it. So the next time someone is hateful or mean to you be as nice as you can. It may make all the difference in the world.
I live my life this way and kind to everyone. If I come across someone in a testy mood, then I chalk it up to them having a bad day and move on.
Very wise words. I’m going to pass this along to others.
Rita, this does NOT sound “crazy.” I completely agree. The thing about other people’s reactions–even if it the person to whom you showed kindness–is that that part does not reflect on you. When you show kindness and others don’t, or get mad, or the person you helped doesn’t say thank you, you are still kind! They are whatever they are and that is not really anything we can control. And the truth is that we only get to see immediate reaction to our acts of kindness (maybe not even that) and don’t know what they do in the larger scheme of things. But it doesn’t matter. The one thing we*can*control is acting in kindness ourselves. <3!
I just makes sense to treat others as you would be treated. I believe there are rewards in heaven we don’t understand, rewards for things we do like how we treat others. Also personally for me it just feels good to do acts of kindness. It really all boils down to the phrase “What Would Jesus Do”.
words to live by ! one of my favorite bible verses .. happy sunday !
Great post! I always kill people with kindness when they’re being hateful or rude. Better to be the bigger and better person
This is a good post for me and a lot of people to hear. I need to treat others the way that I want to be treated. There is never a good reason to be mean to others.
I love this Bible verse to. It has so much meaning and the world would be a better place if we each followed this verse.
Great post! This is so true about not knowing what is going on in the other persons life. I have tried to teach my kids the same thing about kids at school. I tell them you have no idea if their parents are going thru a divorce or if there is something that happened in their family. Try to chalk it up to a bad day and move on.
Love this passage, and it’s so true! Many people don’t realize what even one small kindness can do for another person. It can change their whole outlook, and turn their whole day, even week around. Kindness is powerful and does so much.
I try my best to live my life this way. Even when the person I smile at doesn’t smile back, or the clerk is rude or even if my husband snaps at me. I know that when I am having a bad day with my Lupus, I can be that way. So yes, I like to think the best of people even in today’s world. But it doesn’t hurt to be reminded so thank you so much and I hope you have a blessed week.
We all get so busy, it’s easy to forget to be kind. Sad but true. My children are wonderful examples in this regard. They help me to slow down, be more observant and more tolerant. And it truly does feel good to spread kindness instead of stress and irritability! I know it makes my day when I get an unexpected complement or am the recipient of kindness from a stranger.
So true! An unexpected complement can make all the difference in anyone’s day.
What a great reminder to respond lovingly to others, even if they’re not as kind to you. It’s definitely easier said than done, but I do agree that it makes a difference in this world. 🙂
This does not sound crazy to me at all. I really think that we can’t let other people’s cruelty get to us – because, if we do, sooner or later the only people in the world will be cruel people! We have to be bigger than that, and we have to not let other people’s choices effect who we are. If they want to be cruel, that’s their choice – it doesn’t need to be ours.
I wish more people lived liked this. I hate that feeling that when you find that one person who does something nice, the first thing you wonder is what are their intentions, what do they want from me. The world is turning very cut throat, I see little examples everyday at my job, I have not turned to the darkside there, but I will blast whoever is doing wrong which makes it worse for me.But I am who I am.
I do, in fact practice acts of kindness in my days and sometimes it seems fruitless. I believe, however that any act of consideration and kindness is absolutely noticed and noted by GOD. in conclusion,I will continue to consider others each day of my life.
Wow,I love this! In todays world we sometimes loose our “Way” and get caught up in our own lives and forget this “golden rule”.I have to admit I am guilty,I have done it b4.If we could all remember this and live by it,the world would be a MUCH better place!
I know what you mean April. I have it printed above my desk in the hopes that I remember it but I fail at times.