Water leak detection is a vital technology that offers many advantages primarily acting as a protection for Perth properties from potential water damage. A property owner has the capability to monitor water usage with this system being integrated into a smart home’s technology to allow early detection of leaks.
Learn about water leak detection systems at https://www.smartcitiesworld.net/news/news/leak-detection-technology-rolled-out-in-australia-and-new-zealand-6859 .
The detectors are alerted to the presence of a leak through an unusual change in water “temperature, pressure, or humidity.” Different techniques exist for recognizing leaks either “pressure sensors, through sound or infrared detection.
When Do You Need Home Water Leak Detection in Perth?
A water leak is a relatively easy fix, but if neglected, the suggestion is that water damage resulting from that leak can cost as much as $30,000 for the average Perth home to repair.
Besides causing extensive damage, the leak creates a hefty utility bill, a considerable waste for a resource often in low supply. Additionally, there can be health repercussions. Avoiding these consequences is possible by finding the source of the issue quickly and making the repair.
If you think there’s a leak somewhere but are unable to find the source, the ideal recourse is to reach out to leak detection Perth services. Here are a few signs to let you know when it’s come to the point that leak detections services are a necessity.
- The utilities have risen unexpectedly
Without reason, the water bill has risen considerably. In Australia the average consumption is approximately 20 litres each day per person. That’s usually not a good metric to follow as many people fall either below or above that average.
Instead, the better method is to consider the payment you typically pay per cycle. If you notice that it’s well above any cycle you’ve paid to this point, there’s likely a leak in the system.
A priority is to check the toilet as the first course of action. A toilet leak can be a considerable waste of water with the potential to consume “well over 60,000 litres in a given year.”
The way to check for a leak is to place a square of paper over the bowl back. If the paper has gone into the bowl when you return, there’s likely a leak. When the toilets aren’t the problem, and you aren’t sure what is, leak detection services will be able to narrow down the source.
- Mould growth
If water is leaking from a pipe into the walls or ceiling it will create dampness and with that will develop mould growth. If this becomes a persistent problem, it’s an indication that a leak is continuing to cause moisture.
Mould creates a severe health concern that should be dealt with as soon as it’s found. Before dealing with the mould, however, the leak needs to be fixed or the mould will continue to form.
- Stained ceilings
When you notice staining along the ceilings, water is coming from somewhere, creating the watermarks, either a roof leak or a water pipe.
When you aren’t sure which would be the problem professional leak detection is critical since a roof leak can compromise structural integrity leading to extensive damage and expensive repairs.
- Floor boards are becoming warped
When the flooring is becoming warped or buckling, particularly laminate or hardwood, and the damage is pronounced in an area that doesn’t usually see much water in the home, it should be considered that there’s a leak coming from somewhere.
Since there’s already visible damage, it’s essential to contact professional services to detect the leak before the problem grows worse.
High Water Bills
When utility costs soar, it can be frustrating if water consumption hasn’t changed in your Perth home.
If you have guests over the holidays, it would be expected that the water bill would rise but there are other hidden reasons that the price could increase. Read here why utility bills are high and then follow for some reasons that can lead to unusually high rates.
- The tap is dripping
While it might seem like a minor problem, a dripping tap can lead to considerable wastes, “as much as 75 litres in a given day” or more depending on how great the drip is.
Check each tap to find which is the source for the drip, including the showerhead, kitchen and bath faucets, and the sinks and tubs. You can either handle the fix or seek the help of a plumbing professional.
- Upgrading fixtures routinely
If you’ve moved into a new home and the utility costs are constantly higher than you’ve previously paid, the fixtures are likely inefficient. The “toilets, aerators, and showerheads should be upgraded with modern, efficient options in order to see savings on the water bill.
- Toilet leaks

A common reason for high utility costs is leaky toilets with a tremendous waste of water. These leaks can be identified by varied means: foul odours, continued clogging, cracks, leaking around the base, or unusual sounds when flushing.
A professional should check the toilet and fix the problem to avoid the possibility of continued water waste.
- Underground pipes leaking
Lateral leaks also referred to as irrigation leaks occur in the pipes underground responsible for distributing water to your household. You can identify a problem when you notice patches of wet grass or uneven areas of growth in the garden.
These are considered the most serious leak a home can have, with a professional needed to resolve the issue.
Final Thought
Homeowners tend to be unaware of leaks until there’s a severe circumstance. It’s essential to pay attention to your Perth home’s surroundings, listen for running water sounds, look for water spots on the ceiling or walls, a floor that’s warped, or mould growth.
Pay attention to the garden for signs of unusual growth or wet spots. If all else fails, be mindful of a utility bill that’s soaring above what you would typically pay despite the fact that your consumption hasn’t changed.
If you don’t know what’s leaking, contact a leak detection service to find the source to fix it early and rapidly to avoid continued water waste. Water is a precious resource that needs to be conserved and it’s vital to keep your home safe from extensive water damage.
I’d imagine in Australia particularly, water management could get complicated…
This was interesting to read thanks for sharing nothing worse than a water leak.