I was just wondering about that. I have only ever used like one and that was for research for a previous article. I am just not the type of person who enjoys it and I am not criticizing those who do. I have an aunt who goes to the casino monthly and she loves it. She is always telling me about how I should go but I would freak out. I am far too stressed about money matters to do that.
Now that doesn’t mean I don’t ever gamble or place bets like at https://oceanvip.bet/blog/บาคาร่าคืออะไร. After all I buy a lottery ticket every single week and it is a form of gambling. I realize that my chances of not winning are higher than those of winning but I figure since our state lottery supports education it is not a total lost and I only buy one. If I ever did win I wouldn’t keep all of the money either. I don’t need it, so I would donate or giveaway most of it only keeping what I need. I’m not saying that to make myself look better or because I am such a wonderful person (I am by the way 😉 ) but because it is true. for me I am more interested in .the facts of things. I like useless information because brother is always betting his friends that they can’t stump me. Recently he bet one and they asked if I knew who the first Rugby League winner was. The first Rugby League winner was Manningham F.C which I did happen to know.
Online casinos like www.bonus4casino.net and casino online österreich are very popular nowadays. There are plenty of people who spend time on them and I was just curious about whether or not any of my readers have been on them. I know that there are a lot of different kinds as well. The one that I researched once allowed me to play blackjack which is honestly the only card game I really understand of that type.
I know how to play spades and that is pretty much it. My aunt loves the slot machines and I overheard some of the women at her hair dressers talking about playing them as well. See it here what all games you can enjoy in online casinos. Apparently they play all the time. In fact her hair dresser plays on her computer in between clients. Isn’t that crazy? I find it so funny that these little old ladies are sitting around with computers out playing the slot machines online.
I have no desire for casinos especially online casino..it’s crazy scary to get hooked on gambling
Sounds interesting.
Don’t care for them online or offline.
Ironically, I work for a casino (not an online one though). I do play slot machines on my kindle but not for money. I’m like you and like to have money in the bank.