Getting a driver’s licence is a big milestone in any teenager’s life. A driver’s licence represents freedom for a teenager, which is why so many of them can’t wait to get out there and start driving.
How Old Does a Teenager Need to Be to Learn to Drive?
In the U.S., teens can apply for a driver’s permit from age 14-16, but younger teens will need to complete a Driver’s Ed course. In the UK, teenagers can apply for a provisional license from age 17. Once they pass their test, this becomes a full driver’s licence.
At this point, you are probably wondering whether your teenager really needs a driving licence. After all, it can be an expensive business learning to drive and once they have a licence, the cost doesn’t stop there – most kids want their own car once they have passed their test!
Despite the costs, there are plenty of reasons why a driving licence can be pretty useful for a teenager – and indeed anyone. Here is a quick breakdown of the reasons why a driver’s licence can be very useful for teens.
The World’s Their Oyster
Once a teenager has a driving licence, mum’s taxi is no longer needed. For parents, this is a wonderful moment, as it means you no longer have to look forward to being woken up at 2AM to provide a lift home from a party because there are no buses and Uber is charging a premium rate.
More Job Opportunities
A driving licence is essential for many jobs, particularly if you work in sales. At university or college, kids don’t really need to drive because most things are within easy reach of campus. Once kids enter the world of work, the situation is very different. Employers often look to see whether a young person has a driving licence. If they do, they will be seen as a more desirable candidate over an identical applicant without a driving licence.
An Important Life Skill
Driving is widely considered to be an important life skill, along with cooking healthy meals and being responsible with money. Most teenagers can’t tick boxes two and three, but if they pass their driving test, they can at least tick the first box.
Self Esteem Boost
A lot of teenagers lack self-confidence. They are unsure of themselves, which often translates into an unwillingness to try new things. Learning to drive and subsequently passing their driving test is a real confidence boost for a nervous teenager. If they can do that, they can do anything!
Improved Social Standing
Any teenager who has a driving licence is popular with their peers. They can be the designated driver on nights out and play taxi for their friends. Savvy teens can also earn a bit of extra money if they charge for the service.
To be able to apply for a practical driving test, a teenager needs to pass their theory test first. Encourage them to try some practice tests at Toptests – this will improve their chances of passing first time.
Daughter is now the age that she can get her license and I’m scared to death…how could she be that old already!
My grandson is about to get his driving licence in a few months and it’s a happy sad feeling for me. The happy is he will be able to drive himself places and the sad is I’m so scared if he gets in a wreck. I’m sure my parent’s felt the same way and they lived through it with me.
My 16-year old son just received his license this year. He was also able to score a part-time job too. He is trying to save to buy his own car.
My nephew recently lost his license and admitted that he was relieved to no longer have it for awhile. It ended up being more pressure and stress than he realized.