Do you donate things that you no longer need? We do and work hard to make sure the kids understand how important it is to donate.Every year around this time we go through all of the kids toys, clothes, and other things and donate anything thy no longer use, wear, etc.
I had a hard time figuring out where to take the items this year as our donation center closed but thanks to Goodwill’s Locator Tool I was able to find a new center and get everything off easily. It was very easy to use as the tool is at the top of the site.You can find a donation center, retail store, headquarters, and more all with the click of a mouse.
It is a great way to help families and clean out the house at the same time. I urge you to head over and use the locator today and find your donation center. Also if you want to know how much of an impact your donations will have use the Impact Calculator.
We love Goodwill! It’s a great place to find clothing, household items and knickknacks. Last month we found a Lazboy rocker recline for $20 that looks brand new at our local Goodwill.
We try to do a clean out every few years and what we don’t want/can’t use we send it to Goodwill.
You are donating a lot of great items. I donate to the Goodwill every Spring when I go through my closets. It makes me feel good to know that I am helping others.
I love donating to Goodwill. Here in LA, we seem to have one on every corner but it’s not so easy finding a place to park. Last time they even helped me unload my stuff, which was so nice of them!
My family is long overdue to inventory our clothes, toys and “stuff” and make donations of what we no longer need or use. We always donate to Goodwill and there is a drop-off location pretty close to the house.
We donate several times a year. We always try to make sure we do it around the start of school. I always like to get rid of the old coats and clothes that don’t fit any more. That way we can give them to someone who could use them. I didn’t know Goodwill had a locator app. Cool! Thanks for the heads up!
i always bring my clothes to these bins around town that i believe go to the salvation army. i like my kids to understand the importance too
We currently have a pile of stuff in our garage that needs to go to the Goodwill. I think Goodwill is a great organization and they really do help so many people.
it is one of first places we shop when we need something, I have found clothing, curtain rods, dishes.. all kinds of useful things that we needed. When it comes time to do our spring cleaning, we load of the truck and it is so easy to just drop off.